Truthfully Tobias was only attempting to form a platonic relationship with Rhiane Black, future wife of their future king, although given their respective genders it might appear to some onlookers he had romantic inclinations. By his own admission he was stoic with everyone else in the castle. Multiple female staff members had confessed crushes for him or more subtly flirted with him. Each and every time he had declined their advances with distant stoicism. He had become infamous for not only showing absolutely no interest in dating and marriage, but being too professionally detached for even friendships, and having grown apart from Luke when most would have sacrificed everything for the opportunities he had to try to reconnect with the heir to the throne. A pervasive rumor was that the mysterious and handsome man was an automaton rather than a flesh and blood human being. Despite the precedence he had set for being a solitary being, it was undeniable he was more attentive to the princess elect. No one was suspicious of his intentions quite yet. Though his conduct was a bit odd, he did not initiate physical contact with Rhiane, his body language remained neutral, he was not flirting, he was not sending her gifts, they only spent time together as a result of his assignment, and his conduct was impeccably considerate while not being overly so. The former farmer herself did not show any concern. If anything, she was completely oblivious to the possibility that anyone might find her attractive now that she was the fiancee of the crown prince. Nobility barely tolerated her presence, loyalists were reverent of her position, and palace servants viewed her as firmly 'off limits' no matter how much they might like her. Everyone expect the royal to have an affair outside of the breeding spouse, though acceptance of this arrangement varied along political and economic lines, but whether the commoner would be permitted to have their own affair companion was more dubious. Ultimately Queen Camilla and Prince Luke would make this determination. At the very least it would be a few years before it might be secretly endorsed. As Luke entered the room Tobias's face slipped for the briefest moment. His mask of indifference was marred by his lips spreading into an expression of displeasure. To achieve his goal of making Rhiane deflect he had to wedge himself into the opening provided by his cousin's contempt. Only if she truly believed she had no allies and was surrounded by people who did not value her, did not appreciate her, and who would disparage her constantly would she be inclined to consider betraying the monarchy. She needed to see everyone within these walls as her enemy and the coup as a ray of shining hope for the people she loved so dearly. Having Luke waltz into the room like a veritable Prince Charming undermined his efforts. His relative was no as dependably callous as anticipated. Rhiane was surprised but elated. She knew the truth of his feelings about the engagement, and that Sophia was his real love, and so she had expected him to stay at the business event until its conclusion. Once it was over she thought he'd enjoy the peace and quiet of his room alone without worrying about someone like herself. He had to know she was being attended by the best doctor and specialist money could buy. Her affliction gave him a temporary freedom she'd thought he would jump to take advantage of given the implants were so limiting. That he could have been on a date, or entertaining a lady in his private quarters, or flying off to his island alone seemed to her to be a guarantee he'd not make an appearance to see the woman that frequently aggravated him. And yet here he was. "It's not all bad," the princess elect said with an amiable smile. Tobias had composed himself and she ignorant of his response to the other man's presence as she beamed at Luke. "I got to go on my first trip, had a morning of lounging around watching movies for the first time in my life, gorged myself on two different deserts, and even got to see his royal highness in a uniform," she countered. Behind her the bodyguard sighed softly at how lightly she took her own health. "Really, I'm fine now. I don't even really remember much after I left the table," she said honestly. The poison had made her so acutely ill was now a blur of sensations. It was not unusual for trauma to make memories murky; this was one of the body's many methods of self-preservation. Elena Villani had told her it was for the best that she had been sheltered from vividly feeling the burning of her throat and mouth. "Rhiane has a bruise on her shoulder from falling on the floor," Tobias interjected as it became apparent that his charge was going to glaze over her ailments and feign they didn't exist. Her bravado was equal amounts endearing and frustrating. "They have also put her on a restricted diet of soft foods for the rest of the evening." "Yes, but even Dr. Gulsvig approved me having pudding or bread pudding for dinner just to get me to eat," she pointed out with no small amount of glee. There was saying that food was the way to a man's heart, but in this particular scenario it was also the way to a woman's, one in particular. Still, the levity which she discussed her mortality suggested she was more terrified than she was willing to admit or she genuinely was ambivalent. "Tobias, I'd like to speak with Luke alone if you don't mind," she requested with a dazzling smile. The royal guard nodded in obedience but was not enthused. He stood and nodded to them both politely before departing the room. Rhiane had every right to make the request but it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Silently he hoped the eldest son of the queen would put his foot in his mouth in his absence. "Is Queen Camilla turning the implants back on?" Rhiane asked once she was certain that Tobias was gone. Reflexively she felt for the patch of skin under which the nanotechnology was buried. "I'm glad you're here but... I'm sure you..." she faltered with uncertainty. The concept of anyone wanting to stay by her side when she had nothing to offer, when she was in a place she herself didn't care for, with none of the comfort they might otherwise enjoy was foreign. It had always been her tending to her brother and father. It had always been her falling on her proverbial sword, sacrificing time, energy, and desires. Never had she expected reciprocation and now when it came in the form of an arrogant prince the silver-tongued brunette couldn't articulate her thoughts. "Well, you can't blame me for not liking being in the medical tower," she finally stated once she found her voice again. "Or are you planning to redecorate your bedroom to look like this? My bed back home was much worse, and it's cleaner here than at home, but it smells like a hospital and there's a curious nurse or assistant everywhere I turn. Some people have nightmares about this thing," she concluded before taking a small menu in hand and sighing heavily with purposeful exaggeration. "But if you absolutely refuse to bust me out of this joint I'll order enough things that our image consultant will have a heart attack about my caloric intake and then we're have more company."