[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oBJ38oL.png[/img] [@Krayzikk] [@Crimmy][/center] Brennan Griese's nostrils had flared imperceptibly throughout Umeko's dialogues with the swollen-headed alien that was passing for a magical girl. Those who were too stupid to read the mood of a room or recognize animal instinct would have assumed that Brennan was jealous of the lavish attention that was being heaped on the deformed Kanamin. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Umeko's interest was almost certainly in acquiring a voice changer for herself in time for her next convention trip; any conversation she had with the soul trapped inside that wide-eyed plushie head was intended only to further that goal. This was different. This wasn't angry at all - it was curious. Brennan Griese smelled someone familiar. ... [color=0072bc]"Here, nerd, I got dis,"[/color] Brennan said amiably, putting on a wide grin and pulling out his wallet. He flipped through the cash notes - the number of which was swollen up substantially from the money he'd withdrawn at the bank the other day - and produced exact change, holding it over to Gandharva without placing it in his hand. He was quietly waiting for the cashier to take it. [color=0072bc]"Dere ya go, boyo. Cheers."[/color]