[color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [hider=Ophelia Marie Guerra-Varela][center][sup][sub][b][color=82e0aa]#82e0aa[/color] [color=black]|[/color] Dafnee Keen[/b][/sub][/sup] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/265058f8360f9131c2ffb1932e7518d3/tumblr_oq7wwedlK01uujbcio1_500.gif[/img][hr][color=gray][h1][color=82e0aa]Ophelia Marie Guerra-Varela[/color] [sup]5th Grader[/sup][/h1][/color][/center][hr] [indent][indent][sub][h3][color=gray]Physical Characteristics[/color][/h3][/sub] [i]Standing at 4ft 6inches, Ophelia is a little short in height for an 11 year old. Hair and eyes a dark brown, her complexion is on the lighter side despite her Hispanic roots. A real tomboy at heart, Ophelia has never been one for dresses or girly things, instead leaning towards wearing boy jeans and shirts with shitty phrases or video game references. Ophelia used to have long hair before everything happened, and once shit hit the fan it was cut short just past her shoulders by Gracie. [/i] [color=gray][sub][h3]Life Before the Apocalypse[/h3][/sub][/color] "[color=82e0aa]I don't know... I lived in Minneapolis with my Dad for a long time. It was just me and him for a while because Mom had left when I was really little. It was nice, but I knew my Dad was really lonely. When I turned 9 we moved to Winona and my Dad met Dolores. She was okay, but her daughter was... I don't know, I really didn't like her. Still really don't, but that.. that doesn't really matter anymore. After everything happened and my Dad stayed behind he told me to stay with Gracie and Damien. I get it was for the best, but I just really wish he would've come with us. I miss him a lot. I really hope he's okay. To be honest, this would be really hard if Damien or Alex wasn't here. Since I moved to here, Damien, who's Gracie's best friend has always been really nice to me. I don't know why he likes Gracie so much, cause she's the worst, but I don't really care. Alex is also my best friend. Since I got held behind last year we ended up in the same class together and she was really nice to me. Gracie calls her a crybaby, but I don't really think so.[/color]" [color=gray][sub][h3]Strengths & Weaknesses[/h3][/sub][/color] [color=green]➕[/color] Slight of Hand: A terrible habit she had picked up during her rebellious stage in school, Ophelia has a nasty habit of taking and or stealing things from people and places around her. Scolded for this habit, and now considering it a [i]talent[/i], Ophelia only steals what's needed or necessary for the groups survival. And maybe a treat or toy here and there if she or Alex really wants it. [color=green]➕[/color] Quick, Quiet, and Small: With a short height, and a thin physique, Ophelia is both small and quick. Capable of fitting into tight fit spaces, and hiding easily when need be. [color=red]➖[/color] Angry Child: Before her fathers marriage to her step-mother, Ophelia had never been an angry child. However, upon moving to Winona into her new house, with her new [i]mother[/i], and new older [i]sister[/i] -- Ophelia became rage-full. Hating everything and almost everyone, she became petty and distant. Her mouth has gotten her in trouble more than a handful of times, and school was even worse as she'd pick fights with anyone who'd even glance at her wrong. She's calmed down quite a bit, considering how easy it is to gain the attention of the dead by any kind of shouting or rough housing, but bottling things up can only do so much for so long. [color=red]➖[/color] Begrudging: Holding a grudge is by far Ophelia's worst trait. Showing hardly any empathy or compassion to those who do her, or her family wrong, Ophelia will act petty and stubborn. It's hard for her to forgive, and getting on her good side again has been a struggle that not even Gracie, her step-sister, has accomplished. [color=gray][sub][h3]Personal Goals[/h3][/sub][/color] As far as short term goals come, Ophelia just wants to sleep on a bed again. Maybe even find a new pair of shoes rather then wearing the worn out pair of sneakers Dolores had bought her for her birthday last year. Long term wise, Ophelia hopes to find her father alive someday. It's an almost impossible goal, and one that Gracie likes to give her a hard time about, but it's one of the only reasons she keeps on fighting and trying to survive. [color=gray][sub][h3]Inventory[/h3][/sub][/color] - Box of Cheerios Cereal - Her Dads Swiss Army Knife - Small First Aid Kit [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [hider=Grace Anne Varela][center][sup][sub][b][color=#e74c3c]#e74c3c [/color][color=black]|[/color] Dua Lipa[/b][/sub][/sup] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/218042ba5ee561bbea7416789cd31a4c/tumblr_oqpx4g3oob1sj0xvfo2_500.gif[/img][hr][color=gray][h1][color=#e74c3c]Grace "Gracie" Anne Varela[/color] [sup]High School Student - Cross Country / Track & Field Star[/sup][/h1][/color][/center][hr] [indent][indent][sub][h3][color=gray]Physical Characteristics[/color][/h3][/sub] [i]Unlike most girls her age, Grace is a tall and toned athletic teenager. Always being the tallest person in her grade throughout elementary, Gracie, now 18, is inching closer and closer to 6ft. Dark brown hair and eyes, she used to have long hair but cut hers and Ophelia's recently after suggestion from the group. Wearing clothes on the warmer side, she prefers to layer up stockpiling on sweaters and socks which tend to keep her on the slower side when just walking.[/i] [color=gray][sub][h3]Life Before the Apocalypse[/h3][/sub][/color] "[color=#e74c3c]Uh, well, I lived with my Mom and Dad here in Winona. Like a year or two before everything went to shit my Mom divorced my Dad because both of them were cheating on each other. It was honestly so stupid, and to make things worse she started rebounding really hard. It wasn't like she brought a bunch of dudes home, but she definitely had a few boyfriends she was rotating. Like a few months later she ended up meeting George, and he was a pretty cool but his daughter was such a fucking brat. Literally did not talk to me for months, and was so fucking rude -- the little shit used to cut up my clothes, and spit in my makeup. It was [i]literally [/i]the worst. But I've been running with Damien like all my life, and if it wasn't for that, Ophelia would have literally made me crazy. She used to always try to get his attention whenever she could, especially after we got home from school, and it was so ridic-- Ah, sorry. Anyway, the day everything went to shit Damien and I were walking back to my house and ended up running into those... things. When we got back to my house George and Ophelia we're home, but my mom wasn't and... and. Everything happened so fast ya' know? It's all kind of a blur, and I don't know how we survived but... here I am.[/color]" [color=gray][sub][h3]Strengths & Weaknesses[/h3][/sub][/color] [color=green]➕[/color] Athletic Experience: Gracie has always loved to run. Continuing this interest from elementary into Middle School and eventually High School, this love for running turned into a passion that lead her to be among the top runners in her school in both Cross Country and Track and Field. Capable of running long distances and going into quick sprints when needing to, obstacles can still be an issue but overtime Gracie has learned how to get around those easier as well. [color=green]➕[/color] Artistic: While running is definitely her passion, down time has always been spent on drawing. Another hobby she carried with her into her high school years from childhood, Gracie doesn't really like to talk about her art or show off her drawings however. [color=red]➖[/color] Self Centered: Gracie only cares about one person, herself. Taking care of number one has always been her way of life, going as far as selfishly hoarding her personal items to even refusing to help someone if she doesn't get some kind of gain from it. It's not a personal thing, at least that's what she says, but this attitude has never sat well with many, and while Gracie knows this she doesn't quite care. [color=red]➖[/color] The Victim: Gracie has never been the kind of girl to call herself out, or own up to her faults. Never the cause of any problems, she'll twist others words around in order to avoid any blame, pulling out the victim card whenever things [i]happen[/i] to be her fault. [color=gray][sub][h3]Personal Goals[/h3][/sub][/color] Besides all of the materialistic things Gracie would love to have, she only has one short term goal, and that's to be able to take a comfortable shower again and not feel so vulnerable. When it comes to long-term, Gracie simply wants to survive. Terrified of death and becoming one of the many Zombies she's learned to kill and run from, Grace is willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive. [color=gray][sub][h3]Inventory[/h3][/sub][/color] - Her Dead Android Phone - Sketch Book - Pencil Case (2 Ballpoint Pens, 3 Lead Pencils, 1 Black Sharpie, Red & Purple Gel Pens, and an Eraser) - 1 Water Bottle - Can Opener - Hair Brush - Half a Pack of Menthol Cigarettes [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [color=2e2c2c].[/color] [hider=Damien Anthony Harper][center][sup][sub][b][color=666699]#666699 [/color][color=black]|[/color] Ashton Sanders[/b][/sub][/sup] [img]https://i.gifer.com/68Xj.gif[/img][hr][color=gray][h1][color=666699]Damien Anthony Harper[/color] [sup]High School Student / Grocery Store Clerk [/sup][/h1][/color][/center][hr] [indent][indent][sub][h3][color=gray]Physical Characteristics[/color][/h3][/sub] [i]Just above average height at 6ft 2inches, Damien is a relatively thin and toned teenager. Underweight for sure especially for his age and height, the only thing that's really kept him fit was running with Grace. Considering how skinny he seems, most of his clothes are on the baggier side. Wearing a borrowed thick denim jacket from Ophelia's dad, Damien's clothing are plain, light and limited to fitted white shirts, and worn out jeans, most of which were scavenged from stores or empty houses.[/i] [color=gray][sub][h3]Life Before the Apocalypse[/h3][/sub][/color] "[color=666699]I've lived in Winona all my life with my Mom and three younger brothers. She worked 3 jobs to support us, so she wasn't around a lot and I ended up taking care of my brothers most of the time. Uh, Tye was my littlest brother, he was only like 6 and he was just starting Kindergarten. Jerome and Jamal were twins and they were both 10, Ophelia actually was in the same class with them actually but they only really hung out whenever she came over with my friend Grace. Things were rough for a long time, but Grace's mom and my mom have been friends since High School so they helped us out a lot. Gracie and I have known each other since we were babies though, and since we stayed at her house a lot we ended up going to school together all the way up until high school. She was actually the one who got me into running, so it was kind of nice to have an outlet when everything would just get too much. But things were looking up when all this happened. My mom was able to get to quit two of her jobs for a really nice office job that Dolores had helped her with, I had got job at a grocery store down the road, Tye was starting Kindergarten. Cross country season was about to start at our high school too, and then.. everything just fell apart. There was a park that everyone met up at near the school, and when we crossed the road and started walking down the path it looked like a big fight was going on near the playground. But, it was just those... things, just biting and tearing at people. Grace and I were able to get out of there in time before we got noticed but, we ended up having to leave Ophelia's dad behind and met up with her friend Alex and her Dad. It's been tough, but it's nice to know that we're not alone. You know?[/color]" [color=gray][sub][h3]Strengths & Weaknesses[/h3][/sub][/color] [color=green]➕[/color] Basic First Aid & CPR Training: Before joining Grace on the Cross Country Team, Damien was one of three managers that worked with the coaches and took care of basic needs for the team. Washing their clothes, fixing any of their equipment and also treating any basic injury or emergency CPR. [color=green]➕[/color] Empathetic: Caring for his brothers, Damien has become a patient and understanding person. Willing to lend an ear, hand, or just a shoulder to cry on Damien tries to be as unbiased as possible which can lead to him being somewhat indecisive. It's not hard for him to read other people, and if something seems uneasy or off it's not unlike him to reach out and see if there's something he can do to help. [color=red]➖[/color] Insecure: Many of Damien's issues are rooted in his own anxiety. Not anti-social by any means, he just isn't all that comfortable with small talk. Crowds were also an issue, but in times like these he's found it to be comforting in the numbers. Not something he's ever been interested in talking about, but Damien also has anxiety with his own masculinity. Tall, and slender he's more than aware of his lack of strength or mannish prowess and more than often secretly questions his sexual orientation. Despite being a human ventilator for anyone reaching out to him, Damien has never been one to share these anxieties and instead simply bottles them up. [color=red]➖[/color] Dissociation: Besides surviving and keeping on the look out for food, there isn't much to do besides walk. Both dangerous and tedious, the long silence that follows the groups constant travelling becomes an almost calming white noise for Damien. Distracting himself time almost seems to fly by entering as he enters an almost auto-pilot like mode. Trapped in his own thoughts and memories. Experiencing this while under great stress and frustration as well, Damien has learned this can also lead to him blacking out. Going into a rage or deep depression that he more than often doesn't remember afterwards. [color=gray][sub][h3]Personal Goals[/h3][/sub][/color] For short term goals, Damien wouldn't mind having a good meal. Something homey and fully cooked. A good nights rest has definitely been something on his mind, finding it difficult to rest knowing danger could be roaming nearby at any moment. Long term wise, Damien simply wants some kind of normalcy again. To be able to go on a long run with Gracie again and not have it be for the sake of their life. Even just being able to walk down the street again to the corner store and pick up some chips or a soda like he used to with his brothers. [color=gray][sub][h3]Inventory[/h3][/sub][/color] - 2 packs of Nicotine Gum - Pocket Knife - Ophelia and Graces jackets and clothes - Map of Minnesota given to them by Ophelia's Father - 3 Breakfast Bars - 4 Pack of AA Batteries [/indent][/indent] [/hider]