[center][b]Sir Kay[/b][/center] Sir Kay still kept his arms folded when the so called temporary wizard seemed to cave in after hearing his name. [i]Well, for once my reputation is doing something useful.[/i] He thought to himself as he listened carefully. And then he did something he did not quite like nor approve. He presented the cursed item before him. His eyes narrowed, as he almost reached for his sword, a reflex movement. Specially after hearing the word "lich" "And yet you're parading it and handling as if it was your girlfriend's bauble." Sir Kay added."Do you think a cloth will stop the Lich's curse?" He chastised. "I've had the luck of never facing one, but if they're every ounce as they say, these demented old carcasses are if nothing, throughout." He grumbled, as he began to fumble in the crevices of his armor, producing a pristine white roll of bandage and a vial. "This is an annointed bandage that the Abess of Aquilea granted me herself. Such a woman of generous heart." [i]And a generous bosom... If we only didn't have our vows and duties...[/i] He thought to himself. "We will use this and this Holy Water to at least create a decent seal. It should do something. Specially if my suspicion is right and Old Wizard Bones is using the amulet as scrying anchor and hearing everything we say." He added while deftly enveloping the amulet in the blessed cloth. He was thankful he was wearing dragonhide gauntlets. Had he been barehanded, if he somehow brushed the thing by mistake... Well, he hoped the young wizard hadn't done so. He then poured the holy water slightly on the wrapped amulet. And then, Sir Kay leaned towards Arlo, his head twisting left and right, making sure the guards were distracted left and right. If they caught on, there would be many questions. He raised a hand against the clothed amulet, and murmured a small chant. The faint glow of holy magic could be seen emitted from his palm onto the cloth, finishing the seal. "That should at least do something." He finished as he leant backwards. [@Jojo]