[color=ffff00][center][h1]Haruishi Mari[/h1][/center][/color] [@follycle] [@Delta44] [@TheWindel] [@Scribe of Thoth] [@Animal] [@Turboshitter] [@1Charak2] [@KoL] [@Zelosse] Mari looked at the girl with pink hair, and gave her a bit of a smug smile, glad to see someone else who was outspoken and shared her ideals, however Azukina spoke up again, drawing Mari's attention again. Listening to her words again, this time more calmly, Mari heard the measured even arguments she was making. And it infuriated Mari. Because it became clear where Azukina received such nuanced knowledge and experience. She was of heroic lineage. Mari had a negative view of pro hero culture, because there were so many that they deemed 'beneath them' to save. It was about points, about fame, about flashy victories against villains, and fighting disasters. They let so many victims from 'low-profile' crimes slip through the cracks because they were too much effort for too little reward with regard to money and clout gained. Yet this did not invalidate what Azukina was saying. If Mari was here to learn how to be a hero, then it made sense to learn from heroes, and to learn from those who had learned from heroes. So if anything, despite Mari's negative feelings for Azukina's lineage, it only made Azukina's words more valid. But this didn't diminish Mari's resentment of Azukina. Her arrogance, cocksure attitude, and callous disregard of those 'less capable' of contributing directly to the goals of the exam only reinforced the stereotype of pro heroes for Mari. [color=ffff00][i]"Must be nice at the top,"[/i][/color] Mari thought to herself, and turned her attention back to the growing group, though Azukina's words stuck with Mari. Mari nodded, acknowledging Houki and Minami's desire to remain in the team, while welcoming Shun and Shiki, listening to their explanations of their quirks. [color=ffff00]"I have a running quirk myself,"[/color] Mari added, but she doubted there was enough time to have Shiki jack into everyone to share all their quirk information, though Shun seemed willing to try it. Suddenly, a shy-looking girl spoke out uncharacteristically. But rather than her words, Mari's eyes were drawn to Sumi's limbs. Were those prosthetics. She remembered from history lessons, before the birth of quirks, such prosthetics were most likely the result of injuries sustained during war. Had the world become a warzone? Yet it made Mari pay more attention to the girl's words. Whereas Azukina came from a place of privilege, here was a girl who didn't let her disadvantages stop her from achieving her dreams. But then Sumi called out Mari, and her delinquent-looking friend backed her up. Mari flushed in embarrassment, realizing how easily she had defaulted to aggression. Just because things didn't make sense [i]to her[/i], just because the way [i]she thought[/i] things should be was being challenged, she had lashed out. [i]The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.[/i] [color=ffff00]"I'm...sorry, for my aggressive behavior,"[/color] Mari said, for once quietly, almost sheepishly, as she tilted her head in Sumi and Natsuki's direction, even sending her gaze towards Azukina and Hiroki, trying to project her apology in their direction as well, though she doubted they would notice. Mari took a deep breath, and said, [color=ffff00]"The girl with black and white hair isn't wrong. I hate to have gathered everyone here only to split up, but this area is pretty large, now that I look at it. It might make more sense to split up into smaller civilian rescue groups, maybe in pairs. Those who can fight, myself included, should patrol the rescue pairs, making sure there are no villains impeding their progress. Support quirks, well I won't tell you how to use your quirks, but support the rescue teams or the anti-villain teams as you see fit. Speaking of..."[/color] Mari turned towards Kaito. She didn't quite catch what had happened between them, so she didn't know what she was getting herself into, [color=ffff00]"Guitar man! If you're a support hero, we'd welcome your assistance!"[/color] [hider=Guitar Man][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpOjQvADLG4[/youtube][/hider]