Name: Kojo Takame Age: 14 Grade: 1 Quirk: Mandragora - This quirk essentially gives him the body of a plant, with his hair being the leaves, and his body being the roots, which he can extent out to wrap around, or bury into the ground. Like his quirk's namesake, he his scream has an effect on all around him, however the sound does not kill, merely stuns temporarily. As he is a plant, he can regenerate as long as his leaves are absorbing sunlight, and he has consumed enough water. However, depending on the severity of the injury, or how much he has to regrow, effects how long it'll take for him to recover, and may force him to bury himself into the ground to absorb the proper nutrients of the soil. If his leaves are removed from his body, he will be unable to regenerate until the grow back. Later on, with pleanty of training, he will be able to draw energy from the sun itself and store it in his body, able to be released through his mouth as a beam. Country of Origin: Unknown, however he was raised in Japan by his adoptive parents. Appearance: 6'0 with a muscular physique, dark brown skin, leafy green hair styled like long dreads down to his shoulders, and deep brown eyes. Favorite Outfit: Generally in a tank top and shorts. He never wears shoes, loving the feel of the earth beneath his feet. Hero Costume: Vines surround his bare chest while he wears baggy brown shorts over his bottom half with a belt around the shorts, holding two water bottles. Personality: Generally happy and either chill, or excited, not much dampens his mood. Other: His parents found him dropped off as a baby in a flower pot on their doorstep. They took him in, thinking he was a plant, until he crawled out of the pot. He will take the hero name Mandrake.