He was stuck. It felt almost like a dream, except for the fact that he was aware that it wasn’t real. As soon as he had selected his ‘evolution’ he was struck by this sense of weightlessness and almost… etherealness. He had passed out, his body collapsing to the ground and instinctively curling up into a foetal position as his wings cocooned themselves around him; he knew this because he could see it happening from outside of himself. Before he had any time to ponder the reality of this out of body experience he had begun to rise upward, floating higher and higher away from his body and the cave floor. As he ascended it was like his senses expanded, his awareness of the world growing beyond what he should have been capable of, seeing things from far away or even seeing through the cave to the world outside; it felt like he would keep rising, keep expanding his range of vision until he could see the whole world at once, keep rising until he reached… something high up above. But then he stopped. He remained in the cave. He did not rise any further, but he also did not fall; he merely stopped and was struck by the sensation of being held in place by something. And then the world turned red. Oberon’s vision was drawn to a cave. Inside that cave was a group of familiar figures of various shapes and sizes. This group was gathered around a crystal and that crystal was behaving very strangely. The green Wizard Slime was reaching out for the crystal and the crystal in turn was reaching out to him, growing more than moving in his direction and extending long thorns that were strangely, geometrically, perfectly straight. It reminded Oberon of the lines on a circuit board or really of any time some work of fiction wanted to depict something as technological, or at least non-biological; nature rarely produced such perfectly straight lines after all. Despite being so far away with this peculiar, all-seeing vision Oberon could see the happenings going on in the cave as if he was standing right next to them. He tried to activate Magic Analysis on the crystal, but who knew if he even had access to his usual abilities in this form. A system message, combined with a voice in his head interrupted his examination of the crystal. At first the voice was unfamiliar and somewhat robotic; it sounded vaguely like an error message he would expect to see at work, in his old life. Then the voice was replaced by one a lot more… human was probably the wrong word, given who it was, but alive at least. The words in the message and the words being spoken were perfectly understandable yet at the same time they seemed distorted or corrupted somehow and filled his head with static. The Demon King sounded curious, surprised, maybe even a little approving; it seemed they were progressing faster than he had expected. The message ended and Oberon’s awareness of the cave returned. At some point he’d turned away from the cave and was looking down at his body, at the corpse of Rattleskull and at Mourningstar, who was now alone. In the distance, approaching Mourningstar and his helpless body, was a group of Goblins led by the one who had escaped from the bonfire earlier; the one who had tried to cast a fire spell. Oberon used, or at least attempted to use, Magic Analysis on the approaching Goblins and their leader in particular. He turned back to the Wisp below and tried to call out, to warn her of the enemies approaching. Hopefully he would wake up before they arrived, or else he might get to experience his own death from a third person perspective. [hider=Action Report] Used "Magic Analysis III" on Dungeon Core and Jason Used "Magic Analysis III" on Crispy and the approaching Goblins Attempt to communicate from the other side [/hider]