Not sure I quite hit the mark with the names of the talents so let me know if you have a way of wording it better. I imagine her as perhaps one day being a wise or shaman like character eventually hopefully, able to spot weaknesses in enemies and communicate with spirits. Not sure if she'll go that way, but that's where I was coming from anyway. [b]Glimmway[/b][HIDER=Glimmway][b]Name:[/b] Glimmway [b]Age:[/b] Day 3 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Appearance:[/b] Glimmway is a short, stubby-legged creature with grabby hands and bluey-green hued skin. Her face is rounded and her features cherubim like, though goblin genetics have distorted them far past anything adorable and into creepy territory. Large grey sunken doe-eyes peer out of of a squashed face with small rosebud lips. Her hair is dark like slick oil, pulled harshly back and kept in place with a small bone. [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Personality:[/b] Glimmway is an absent-minded goblin, often staring off into the distance and losing her train of thought mid-sentence. She has a tendency to talk little and has a curious streak which has gotten her into trouble on occasion. She can be stubborn, strong-willed and hard-working, but she is loyal to a fault, though the trait is not always readily apparent. She gains a lot of satisfaction from achieving a job well done and she is a good listener, though perhaps that is only because of her reluctance to speak. She has a tendancy to stick along with people she has grown attached to whether they want her there or not, though she is equally likely to wander off suddenly at inopportune times when something has caught her curiosity. [b]Past Life:[/b] Glimmway was originally a college professor who lectured on occult practices in various cultures. She discovered the thread of some ancient hidden sect and started researching it with the intent to publish the lost information and bring it to light. She turned up garroted in her study one night, no information of any of her discoveries remaining among her belongings. [b]Talent(s):[/b] [list][*]Perception (able to detect weaknesses or soft spots?) [*]Spirittalk (ability to communicate with spirits/the spirit world or ghosts to some extent)[/list] [b]Skill(s):[/b] [b]Dark Eye[/b] - Allows one to see more effectively in the darkness. (Passive) E-Rank [b]Absorption [/b]- A monster specific skill. This skill allows monsters to gain the skill(s) of the creatures they devour. The amount of skills gained in this process is limited to a 8 time usage. Choose your stolen abilities wisely. Uses will reset to 8 upon evolving regardless of the amount you have used. (Remaining Uses: 8) [b]Inventory:[/b] --[/HIDER] [hider=Appearance WIP][center][img][/img][/center] [hider=Rough Colour WIP][center][img][/img][/center][/hider][/hider]