Yeah sure. [hider=Usuk][b]Name:[/b] Usuk [b]Age:[/b] Day 3 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Goblin [b]Appearance:[/b] The most interesting feature about this goblin is the fact they wear a distinctive patchwork red linen mask over their face. It has eye-slots for the dead yellow eyes, a mouth hole for the thin-lipped and sharp fanged maw and ear slots for horizontal ears the left most being near bitten off. [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Personality:[/b] Usuk was born in this world to heel it up like they always knew lie, cheat, steal. He isn’t a dashing rogue with a heart of gold, he’s a villain who will make unique opportunities for himself. The most honorable thing about him is the fact he is deliberately slow in removing the masks, or helmets, of others. Apart from that he’s just generally a bit of a prick. [b]Past Life:[/b] From the mean streets of Parts Unknown emerged the devious luchador known as Hijo del Cuco! Freed from the horrors of the monster that kidnapped them, Hijo del Cuco sought to bring misery to the South American Promotion and defeat all the heroes the children had and bring them as much misery as they personally went through. Eventually after slaughtering their way through the locker room they had a title match arranged with the promotions current champion, this would be the start of a reign of terror by Hijo del Cuco! Well it would’ve been assuming they didn’t get hit by the bus just after leaving a celebration at the bar. [b]Talent(s):[/b][LIST][*][b]Promo Segment[/b] While not refined yet (or as good as it used to be) Usuk is capable of speech segments to hammer in an audience reaction about them. [*][b]Brawling[/b] Again while not what it used to be, it is still present, Usuk fights via heelish tactics such as eye-gouging, low blows and utilizing Foreign Objects! [/LIST] [b]Skill(s):[/b] [LIST][*][b]Dark Eye[/b] (Passive) E-Rank [*][b]Absorption[/b] (Remaining Uses: 8)[/LIST] [b]Inventory:[/b]--[/hider]