[center][h2][color=fff200]Carol Danvers Is[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Nvx0W_KnWUg/Ubi4l6sDvCI/AAAAAAAACus/VjAW0HOvMHM/s1600/Logo+Ms.+Marvel.png[/img][/center] [b][u]S.W.O.R.D Nevada Base/Underground Hangar[/u][/b] [indent]All I could do was stare at the alien timer as it ticked down. One minute thirty seconds left and counting. I wanted to try something, anything to make it stop, but trying to type a completely alien password would probably just instantly set off the sentry's activation and if I tried to blast it I'm sure the same thing would occur. Then I heard a voice I hadn't heard for months, I couldn't help my heart give an irregular thump at his voice. [color=8dc73f]"Quickly make way! I should be able to stop it before it's defenses activate!"[/color] I turned around and almost froze as I saw him, Larson, no, Captain Mar-vell running across the floor straight toward the panel with two SWORD guards having trouble keeping up with him. His green eyes were focused on the panel and I could tell he didn't recognize me in my outfit though the slightest hint of surprise at my outfit registered on his face. Any questions he might have been thinking of were shoved to the side as he focused on his mission. I stepped out of the way as he reached the panel and quickly started to tape away at the symbols. 30 seconds left and dropping. He quickly finished but then the screen glowed red. [color=8dc73f]"What!? I'm sure I did it right."[/color] Larson cursed and typed in the password again but his efforts were thwarted by the computer. [color=8dc73f]"Impossible, the password was changed!?"[/color] Larson slammed his fist on the panel in frustration as his face contorted in frustration, his eyebrows knitting together in anger. [color=fff200]"Larson, what's going to happen next?"[/color] I asked, forcing myself into mission mode while suppressing the whirl of emotions stirring in my heart upon seeing him again. Now was not the time for anything personal. [color=8dc73f]"How do you know my-"[/color] He started to say as he turned to look at me, but once he got a good look at my eyes realization dawned on his face, his eyes opened wide in shock. [color=8dc73f]"Carol?"[/color] I could see the clear confusion on his face but then the timer reached zero and the panel quickly shut closed. Then the whole massive device started shifting and changing. We both quickly jumped back as what had been merely a large hunk of metal suddenly started to contort and change, like a giant transformer until it took on the shape of a large, robotic humanoid. Sentry 459 towered above us at a height of around 9 meters or so, what had at first been an only silver metallic object now changed color as a good portion of its body changed to purple as it activated. It shifted it's large head downward to get a good look at the array of people and machinery gathering before it. Then in a clear voice it started talking in Kree, which I and Larson could understand but no one else could. [color=92278f][/color] As soon as it had finished the sentry's eyes started to glow bright blue and I knew instantly the fight had started. [color=39b54a]"Open Fire!"[/color] Agent Brand commanded the staff and instantly gunfire and small rockets erupted from all corners of the hangar. Explosions washed over the sentry, dousing its entire being in orange and yellow fire, but the sentry just took the beating without budging an inch. Then the the sentry fired. I jumped out of the way as did Larson while twin beams streamed out of the sentry's eyes. The twin beams started with our previous positions then it raised its head, causing the twin beams to travel in the same direction. I watched in horror as the twin beams ripped through the hangar, obliterating all in its path. Two hangar turrets, a parked quinjet, and an unfortunate SWORD agent were incinerated in the blast in the space of a single second. I had no time to gap at its destructive power as I quickly had to run out of the way as the giant machine attempted to step on me. The force of it's foot causing cracks to appear in the floor. I quickly took flight, spun around in the air to avoid a gigantic fist and fired my photon blast straight at the robot's face. The yellow energy smashed into it, causing the robot to have to firmly plant its feet to steady itself. My attack appeared to be the first to actually do much of anything against the monstrosity, however the damage appeared minimal at best, the only sign of it being effective was the slightest chip out of the purple plating on the edge of its face. I knew the robot couldn't show emotion but for some reason, my eyes seemed to think the sentry looked a little pissed at my attack. Brand went into full commander mode as she started barking out orders. [color=39b54a]"Keep that thing's attention occupied! Don't keep in one place and keep rotating around it. Open the bay doors! If this thing stays in here it'll blow up the entire base! Where's the heavy weaponry!"[/color] As she shouted the sentry started to really amp up its attacks as fingers turned into rocket launchers, metallic tendrils sprouted from its back equipped with high energy bolts, probably plasma based, which started to pepper targets around the hangar. Alarms sounded as the giant ceiling bay doors started to force themselves over ever so slowly while men scrambled in all directions, returning fire upon the sentry. I watched in horror at the unfolding chaos and then a stray bolt exploded right next to Larson, causing his body to fly through the air. Without a second thought I raced behind and caught him before he could hit the ground. His entire body seemed to glitch out of existence only to be replaced with his actual form, a blue-skinned humanoid in an outfit quite similar to my own though showing a lot less skin. [color=8dc73f]"Not exactly how I wanted to reveal myself to the world."[/color] He managed to quip as he tilted his head back to look up at me, a slight smile on his face. As much as I wanted to give a witty comeback or smack his head, the solider in me knew now was not the time. [color=fff200]"Head in the game Larson, now that you have no excuse to hide anymore how about you help us take down this thing."[/color] I let him go but instead of dropping to the ground he floated in the air, I noticed two glowing purple bands on his wrists that must have been giving him the power of flight. [color=8dc73f]"I'll help but, frankly Carol I don't know if it is possible to stop Sentry 459. Its combat mode is fully engaged and someone has changed the password, locking me out of its systems. My weapons will certainly be more effective than your human weapons but I just don't have the firepower to crack through that armor."[/color] I watched as some small green dots on his arms spat out some metallic substance which quickly reformed itself into a large-barreled gun. [color=39b54a]"Stop flirting with you alien boyfriend Ms Marvel and start fighting!"[/color] Agent Brand yelled as she rushed over to where we were floating so we could hear. [color=39b54a]"I know you're new to this thing Ms Marvel but I need you to fight like a superhero! You're not just a soldier anymore so get out there and keep that thing from blowing up this base!"[/color] I cringed in embarrassment at her stop flirting comment but I knew she was right, despite adding flying to the mix I was still only fighting like a solider, firing shots and avoiding getting hit in return. It was going to be tough undoing years of experience to change my fighting style but I had to remember I wasn't exactly human anymore. The sentry's head turned to a rising quinjet and readied its eyebeams again. Instantly I sprang into action and rocketed directly into the attack path of the robot. All my senses screamed at me that I was going to get killed by the blast, disintegrated by the attack just like the SWORD agent during the first salvo, but I ignored my battle trained instincts and flew on. [color=8dc73f]"Carol!"[/color] Larson, no, Captain Mar-vell yelled as he tried to grab me but I was way quicker than him. Within a moment I was in position and staring straight down into the soulless eyes of the giant machine. I crossed my arms in front of my face as I braced for impact as the brightest lights I had ever seen flashed, dousing my entire being in their overwhelming energies. I yelled out as the felt the massive energies course into my body, heat seared through my entire being and it felt as if my body was going to be ripped apart, yet that feeling only lasted for a moment. Soon my body got used to it and the my body, instead of threatening to burst open started to literally brim with energy from the sentry's beam attack as it finally stopped after what seemed like an eternity but was literally only about a second. [color=fff200]"I don't know why you are here but I can tell you right now, that you're not welcome on Earth!"[/color] Putting my hands out in front I let all the excess energy I had just absorbed flow through my hands, causing a massive burst of energy to slam right into the sentry's breastplate. The force smashing into the machine caused the massive robot to topple over and collapsed onto the hangar floor with a resounding crash. I could hear a few cheers from SWORD members but that was short lived as the massive automaton started to rise back unto its feet. Once again Sentry 459 spoke while everyone, including Captain Mar-vell restarted the assault. [color=92278f][/color] [color=fff200]"I guess I just became Sentry enemy number one."[/color] I groaned as all of its efforts refocused themselves on me. At this point the hangar door was completely open and the remaining quinjets had all scrambled to safety. From the corner of my eye, as I was forced to do some intense flying acrobatics as massively limbs tried to swat me out of the sky, I saw the SWORD team get together what looked to be a massive rail gun from out of a side chamber in the hangar. [color=39b54a]"Finally have my heavy artillery."[/color] Brand commented as the railgun was affixed to the ground. They pointed the massive gun at the robot's center mass and as I realized it was probably a good idea to move completely out of the way, a massive limb stuck me from the side. My head exploded in pain and my vision turned white as the massive kinetic force from the blow stuck home. Another wave of pain struck me from behind as I smashed into the hangar wall, the force was so strong I had literally sunk partially into the wall. My vision quickly came back and I was amazed at just how, non-dead I was feeling. I could still think, the pain had already subsided somewhat, and my body felt ready to propel itself back into action. The sentry brought a fist back to try and finish me off but then a massive shot rang out as the rail gun fired onto the sentry. Once again the sentry stumbled and parts of its metal casing had been ripped apart, but it looked like the shot had not managed to get full penetration. Sensing another threat the sentry quickly fired some rockets at the railgun, ending its short but semi-productive career. [color=fff200]"So much for the heavy artillery."[/color] I mumbled as I removed myself from the wall and prepared to attack when suddenly, the sentry just stopped moving for seemingly no reason at all. But only for a moment, as the bottom of its feet flared up with a brilliant blue as the giant machine propelled itself through the opened roof and into the sky. Captain Mar-vell stared at it for a moment puzzled. [color=8dc73f]"That's strange, there should be no reason for it to stop fighting unless."[/color] I could see realization dawn on his alien features as he noticed a small hover sled, that kind of looked like a metallic desert skiff from Star Wars, floating next to the hovering sentry. [color=8dc73f]"Colonel Yon-Rogg..."[/color] I could feel my blood boil upon hearing that name as the two of us flew up after the sentry. Soon we were floating face to face with the colonel who had a disgustingly satisfied look on his face. Seeing him again reminded me vividly of my humiliating capture and how my life had been completely changed from that moment. The Kree Colonel took a long hard look at me and laughed. [color=00aeef]"Ha ha so is this the reason you've become a traitor to your own race Mar-vell? You've fallen for one of the aliens you were ordered to observe?"[/color] It didn't seem like he noticed who I was but no doubt he was commenting on our similar outfits. Ugh, was everyone going to assume we were an item because of how we were dressed? I mean, technically we were almost to that point, before I figured out Larson was an alien spy, but this was seriously starting to annoy me. I collected energy in one of my fists but the colonel quickly positioned himself so the sentry would shield him if I tried attacking. [color=8dc73f]"Why are you doing this Yon-Rogg! I know you hate me but what do you hope to accomplish by hijacking Sentry 459? Are you doing all this just to kill me?"[/color] Captain Mar-vell asked, trying to get information while thinking of a way to turn the situation around. [color=00aeef]"Please Mar-vell, yes I can assure that you will die for humiliating me but there is so much more to this than just our personal squabble. You see this planet has become to chaotic and dangerous of a place, in fact I've heard that a deadly warlord already has his sights on this world as we speak. If he manages to conquer this planet his power will surely increase to a point where he could even prove a threat to the Kree Empire! I am sure you know what this means Mar-vell."[/color] As he spoke I tried to find a way to take him out but whenever I tried to discretely fly around, the colonel shifted his own position to compensate, the alien knew how to keep himself safe. Mar-vell's face distorted into understanding, I of course had no idea what that could mean. [color=8dc73f]"No! You can't do that Yon-Rogg! You'll destroy this entire planet! What about all the effort the Kree Empire has put into this planet!?"[/color] I turned to look at the distraught Mar-vell, my own thoughts now racing with questions. How would Yon-Rogg destroy the planet and more importantly, what did Mar-vell mean when he talked about the Kree putting so much effort into Earth? What was the Kree empire planning all this time? [color=00aeef]"I would love to kill you myself Mar-vell but I need to escape before this planet is destroyed. But because I do want you to suffer a bit more and wallow in despair I think I'll just add a little parting bit of sport for you to enjoy. It will take a little while for Sentry 459's reactor to warm up so in the meantime I'll just send it to attack the largest settlement in the area. I know how much we military men hate putting civilians in danger."[/color] With a few clicks on his own console, the sentry turned and shot off into the desert at an incredible speed. [color=00aeef]"A shame to lose the potential Kree military might but I'm sure the Supreme Intelligence will understand why I had to do this. Good-bye captain."[/color] The colonel quickly sped away in the opposite direction and though I wanted to go after him I knew that there was a much more pressing matter. [color=fff200]"Ok Mar-vell, speak to me here. How is he going to destroy Earth?"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"I'm sorry Carol, for everything."[/color] Mar-vell sounded defeated as she started sadly at me. At that look, all of my frustrations boiled over and without a second thought, I slapped him in the face. [color=fff200]"Damn it Mar-vell! This is mostly your fault! Now you're going to tell me how to fix this before [i]my[/i] world is destroyed by [i]your[/i] empire!"[/color] I knew my words weren't completely fair but he had a lot of explaining to do and I was royally pissed after everything that was going on and what I had been reminded of. [color=8dc73f]"It's impossible, there is no way to stop it in time! Look, Colonel Yon-Rogg has set Sentry 459 to overload, its reactor core will keep creating energy until it overloads its entire system, making the reactor core transform into a giant nega-bomb. Once it reaches critical mass there will be no stopping the explosion which will completely devastate the Earth."[/color] [color=fff200]"Maybe it is Mar-vell but I am not going to stop trying until the last moment. Also I think I may need to save Las Vegas from being utterly destroyed in the meantime if my pilot senses are correct. Either come with me and try to stop it or go after Colonel Yon-Rogg, but if you are truly sorry then I expect you to help me save my world."[/color] I pushed him away, glared at where the sentry had disappeared to and started to give chase as quickly as I could. [color=fff200]"I can't believe my first mission as Ms Marvel is going to be saving the world. No pressure Carol, no pressure, only all of mankind is counting on you right now. Still, it feels a little easier than facing Larson right now..."[/color][/indent]