[quote=@Fabricant451] We don't ask [/quote] Who's we? Speak for yourself. [quote=@Fabricant451] We don't ask because your statement is as much an opinion as any other one you have on the subject matter. It tells us exactly what you think. "It's alright, nothing mind-blowing". That's not some kind of vague statement that demands clarification, nor does the double down on it 'not being mind-blowing'. [b]I read what was right in front of me and used that plus historical context to come to the educated assumption that you're not super fond of the game. [/b] [/quote] Not fond enough to call it mind blowing, but you assumed that meant I didn't think it was a quality product and you were wrong. I don't what to tell you. [quote=@Fabricant451] Maybe I'll be interested in what you think if you weren't so abrasive about it all the time. [/quote] Asking me what I think is just my advice for you to stop interpreting me incorrectly, you can take it or not. [quote=@Fabricant451] No, it was me making a comment about video games as a whole, dude. [/quote] Well when you say 'It's a wonder [u]you[/u] play anything' one might think you are talking about them specifically, shocking I know. [quote=@Fabricant451] I don't think video games do much mind blowing things in general. [/quote] Cool, I and some other people do. [quote=@Fabricant451] It's weird that 'mind-blowing' is your choice of words for this particular game unless it's a callback to your whole mockery over horse dicks from a couple pages ago in which case well done on the running gag. [/quote] This is a forum for writers, every now and again you might come across people who use adjectives that are more flamboyant or grandiose than what you use personally. Again this could have been covered if you asked. And also my commentary on video game reception goes beyond this thread as does yours. I've spoken with and seen people and reviewers on and offline who would use 'mind blowing' or 'breath-taking' to describe a highly anticipated rockstar game. I definitely saw people say that about Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Witcher 3 etc. I dont think my comment on possible reception of RDR2 was misplaced. [quote=@Fabricant451] It wasn't some aggressive takedown or comment on your tastes in video games [/quote] Only because I had the foresight to not talk about Huniepop. For the record I do think RDR2 is a quality game with a lot of polish. Just like the first one. But just like the first one, I think that it doesn't deserve the adoration it is getting for being a good 3rd person open world shooter with a fairly compelling story. It's alright but its not mind-blowing.