[centre][b]ARLO[/b] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/nh0t42.jpg[/IMG][/centre] Arlo took a moment to study the burn scars covering the man's face, a shocking sight no doubt. If nothing else it proved to Arlo that the dragonscale he wore was well earned. Sir Kay's advice was heard, and Arlo would try to take his experience into consideration in the future. Arlo had scars of his own, most accidentally self-inflicted while practicing magic, but none as prominent and noticeable as the knights. The idea of journeying with this hero still a monumental excitement to Arlo, he smiled and bowed. He hoped that while making the trip, perhaps he might tell him stories of his life as a more seasoned adventurer. The sudden and powerful roar shook Arlo to the core, almost knocking him off balance. It was not a sound he had heard before, but anyone could make an accurate guess as to what sort of beast could even manage something so terrifying. Instinctively, he looked to the sky for answers and saw it. There could be no mistake, a dragon had just flown into the city and landed nearby in the courtyard. Royal grounds. Screams of terror filled the streets of the city. After a moment of raw shock from the event, Arlo turned and took off towards the landing site. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Panic propelled the royal guards into formation, where tens on tens of men lined up on balconies with crossbows aimed toward the terrible reptile. Citizens of nobility visiting the castle grounds fled to the presumed safety deeper into the interior, where royal knights waited at the entrance ready with their weapons at the ready. The only thing that caused any sort of hesitation in firing on the dragon was the absurd sight of a man riding on it's back, and soon after the command of the king. The man was well on in his years, his hair turned white like winter many years ago. He was unarmored, and not in the health to defend himself or his people against such a force should it attack. King Lancaster faced the beast and the man atop it, and spoke without fear. "You've brazenly rode a monster into my courtyard and brought with you chaos to my city. You may skip the formalities, dragon rider. Deliver your message." Lancaster believed it crucial to avoid a battle with the pair. While he was sure that the might of his army would be able to repel the threat should it come to it, the collateral damage was far too much to risk.