[Center][color=598527]Gerard Voss[/color][/center] The response was odd, given that it sounded like agreement but did not readily respond in a manner that was generally accepted. Rather than pursue it, he instead chose to focus on the Longcaster that was partially disassembled on the bench. Right now he was cleaning off the parts that had gotten dirty during the trip, since he didn't readily have the parts to seriously upgrade right now. He did speak on the matter of the keeping hands busy, order and pace, and the like. [color=598527]"Aye, I reckon you make a fair point. Tools and a task make for an excellent means of passing time."[/color] His gaze was focused on the Longcaster, though the use of his full name had not passed unnoticed. Outside of knowing a single name, Kaite, Gerard knew next to nothing about this fellow here besides talent with the piano, possibly tailoring, and little else. He was not fond of being in situations that he knew ever so little about, at least in a way that he couldn't go digging up more information and experiment in figuring it out. Though he was quick to ask after him and the weapon he was working on, and he chuckled, lifting up the frame for a better view briefly. [color=598527]"Custom build, one of my longest lasting projects. Takes ambient mana in the air, and charges into a shot capable of reaching out farther than a bow or crossbow, most builds of them at any rate. Currently, it needs some routine maintenance and further planning on design."[/color] The explanation on function and design philosophy would take quite some time longer, but he gave a brief overview of it as he started putting it back together, having cleaned the parts. [color=598527]"To make it very brief, the barrel capacitor gathers mana from the surroundings, forming a cohesive round, and flinging it out a set distance. This wheel lock mechanism controls the range, and can outrange most crossbows or longbows of average make, in my experience. By far slower than those two, but I have plans to fix that..."[/color] Those plans involved more barrels, like his Shortcaster, or other modifications to the charging mana crystals in the barrel itself. At this point, a rather loud roar pierced the room, echoing from its original source, and Gerard snapped his head up, looking in the direction of the noise. A curious expression, equal parts recognition and irritation, as he deftly finished putting together his Longcaster and rising to his feet. He slung it over his shoulder and sighed, irritation now growing apparent on his face. [color=598527]"And that likely needs investigating. Of course it does. You coming along, Kaite?"[/color] [@Lumiere]