[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Be nice, swearing at me like that is going to get thread locked. I didnt swear at you. And the VERY FIRST post in this discussion was me saying: 'It's alright, not mind-blowing'. Thats not 'until well later' it was the beginning, good lord. [/quote] You know damn well that THIS: [quote]If I say game is alright, then follow up by saying its polished and of a decent quality but still undeserving of its hype, then dont tell me I think it sucks that'll look stupid.[/quote] Is not at all what happened. You said "It's alright, nothing mind-blowing" and then the 'discussion' over fucking adjectives and metrics and nonsense happened and only then did you have anything close to a 'follow up'. Not ONCE did I tell you that you thought it sucked, and you got all super defensive just because you 'weren't asked' to elaborate on your 'alright, not mind blowing' statement. Instead of doing a followup you went off. It's disingenuous.