[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BiuJRNR.png[/img] [sub][@Legion02] - [color=ed1c24][b]Arch-Dragons - Thesan & Lira - & Friends[/b][/color][/sub] [/center] [hr] Drakairós could only stand helplessly as the arch-dragon dodged his breaths and crushed a fellow ice dragon underneath her massive weight. They can only flinch as another of their very few newfound units succumbed to its destruction. Whilst many more will take it's place, eating away at Ragnagedon's forces, every loss will be painful for the hydra god. But in war, sacrifices must be made no matter the cost. They can see the battle rage all around them, ice dragons purifying fire dragons, the latter destroying the former, and some of both being caught within the raging torrent of gale-force maelstrom of fire and ice. It was a scene of apocalyptic proportions, both as dangerous as it was beautiful. As long as the hydra god keep earning dragons for their growing army - more so than loosing them - and destroy the arch-dragons, then victory is within their grasp. Drakairós couldn't see where the commanders went after seeing the female flee into the storm. But no doubt they were going to issue a counter-attack and attempt to pave victory for Ragnagedon. [b]"Those loathsome fire-fracks are going to keep eating away at our forces if we don't deal with them in time."[/b] Rós growled annoyingly as his breath takes down a rogue fire dragon, suddenly becoming swarmed by three ice dragons. [b][color=fff200]"Indeed."[/color][/b] Dra agrees as his lightning breath immobilizes another fire dragon from above, [b][color=fff200]"Although in order to quench their flame, we must temporarily tap into your ice beam."[/color][/b] [color=f26522][b]"BUT I DON'T WANT TO BREATHE ICE!"[/b][/color] roars Kai furiously as his breath explodes a portion of a fire dragon, [color=f26522][b]"I JUST~"[/b][/color] [b][color=fff200]"It will only be TEMPORARILY, Kai. Just to freeze these despicable arch-dragons in their tracks."[/color][/b] the middle head affirms strictly before turning to Rós, [b][color=fff200]"How long until it's ready?"[/color][/b] [b]"Give it a few minutes to let it 'cool down'."[/b] he replies confidently, [b]"You'll feel when it's ready."[/b] As the ice head purifies a fallen fire dragon, several fire beams ripped through the swirling chaos as they attempted to blindly blast Drakairós to ash. Most of the beams missed, with one or two lightly scathing them, otherwise doing nothing but gather their attention to him. The male arch-dragon roars for him to do combat, even having the nerves in calling them a "false" god. [color=f26522][b]"FALSE GOD?!"[/b][/color] Kai bellows insultingly at this taunt, [color=f26522][b]"HOW DARE YOU PROCLAIM US, THE GOD OF WEATHER, AS FALSE PROPHETS!"[/b][/color] The other heads meanwhile kept much of their temper in their craniums as they took to the skies. With every flap of their gigantic golden wings did they earn more and more speed as they attempt to blast the arch-dragon straight from the sky. If it didn't work, they'd fly close enough to latch their long talons into the creature's flesh - precisely around it's left wing ligament - in order to destabilize him, all while continuing to fire their beams into him.