[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181028/ab80de50d6257a42a0fd33233a9bf2c7.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/c246dfe7d09c0ced199de063966c91f3ac3a8202/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f436b59694238786a5534636b5f413d3d2d3335333538353732302e313439356266323734663332663738353735353833303430323836382e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MaleAnyAracari-small.gif[/img] [img]https://mkrada.gov.ua/files/368/Images_for_site/black-divider-png-groom-4-on-wedding-wedding-ring.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]The halls of King's Academy were never dull. Sometimes you can see a student throwing a spoiled tantrum because their parents wouldn't get them something they wanted. Once in a while you would spot someone having a public meltdown. And other times the Misfits would be up to their shenanigans with whatever prank they used to one up one another. Lucas usually enjoyed the pranks; laughter is the best medicine in the world of high school, so despite having no affiliation with the group, he did try to keep an ear to the ground to make sure he always caught the show Today was no exception, although this was probably the first time their unfortunate victim was his sister, Victoire. He was genuinely surprised all things considered, especially after the entire incident with Marisol. But hey, maybe it wasn't so surprising seeing as she got paired with Jun Wang. Despite knowing that he should have sympathized with his sibling, he still found it funny, but he wisely chose to go outside to avoid Victoire catching him laughing. His eyes roamed the courtyard, on the lookout for Santiago. His stomach growled, insisting that the young man eat first before looking for his friend. Probably for the better, he could just text Santi to see where he was. There was a table that had a few seats open where a cute brunette sat. Grinning, Lucas approached the girl. “[color=crimson]Mind if I have a seat?[/color]” He asked her. “[color=crimson]Just until I find my boy, haven't seen him all day.[/color]” Martha Radley jumped up at the sound of the unknown male voice. She’d been sitting in her usual courtyard table, completely immersed in the latest Anne Rice novel while she waited for Andrés to let her know what would be their lunch plans. For whatever reason, her Colombian love was taking a lot longer than he should be, which had left her exposed and vulnerable to interactions with guys like the baseball captain whose name Mar had completely forgotten. Why he wanted to sit with her of all people was a mystery, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt to have some company. [color=DA70D6]“S-sure,”[/color] she said faintly, putting her book away and gathering her stuff from the table so the boy could have space to place his things if he wanted. “[color=crimson]Thanks, doll,[/color]” He grinned somewhat cheekily, placing his book bag onto the table as he plopped down. Her face looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn’t quite match a name to it. “[color=crimson]I’m Lucas. What’s your name?[/color]” He asked. [color=DA70D6]“Oh!”[/color] Mar said out loud, eyes wide as the realization of who exactly was sitting in front of her clicked and the nerves immediately kicked in. [color=DA70D6]“Lucas… You’re Mr. Anderson, aren’t you?!”[/color] It took Lucas a second to realize what she meant, but he ended up breaking into a grin. [color=crimson]”It’s a small school after all, huh?[/color]” He laughed, shaking his head. [color=crimson]”Mind if I get a first name to it?[/color]” [color=DA70D6]“I’m Martha Radley, your appointed homecoming date!”[/color] she exclaimed, pointing at herself and struggling to believe that she had been paired with the third biggest player in the school. Just being this close to him made her nervous - terrified, even - that he would even think of attempting to make a move on her. It took a lot of her willpower to stop her voice from breaking or wobbling. [color=crimson]“Gorgeous,”[/color] He complimented her name, pausing for a second as he would send out a text to Santiago. Once he finished he would give the girl a majority of his attention. [color=crimson]You’d think giving out first names would make things a hell of a lot easier, right? Not sure why they went the whole last name route...pretty sure everyone that wasn’t entirely pissed off was just left confused because of it.”[/color] Martha chose to brush off his compliment of her name, to instead focus on his latest statements. [color=DA70D6]“Oh, I certainly agree,”[/color] she replied, nodding at Lucas. [color=DA70D6]“Even though I've been a student here for a while I don't pay attention to the last names. I'm not really close to anybody else here except Oliver, so it’s not like it matters anyway.”[/color] Lucas was in the same boat. Sort of. He knew a lot of people and could match names to faces, but aside from Santiago, he couldn’t say he was too close to anyone. He preferred to watch things from a distance, and the whole Victoire-Marisol incident made him keep his head low in case he did something stupid. [color=crimson]”I feel you,”[/color] He sighed, running a hand through his hair. [color=crimson]”C’est la vie. Anyway...so, do you want to ride together, or match or...I usually just hang out at dances, I don’t really go with anyone to be honest.”[/color] His answer made Martha laugh a little. Of [i]course[/i] he wouldn't commit himself to going with anyone. That would be limiting himself from the ‘playground’ of available girls, which was definitely not something a guy like Lucas Anderson would want to do. She wanted to make some smartass comment about this, but decided not to in order to not appear like a complete bitch. [color=DA70D6]“Oh, I completely understand! It's the same on my end. Only reason I even attend these events is so Darling Oli doesn't go by himself,”[/color] Mar admitted, rolling her eyes but smiling to let the young man in front of her know she wasn't really bothered by it. [color=DA70D6]“Anyway, you can certainly pick me up if it's not too much trouble. And don't worry about matching outfits or anything like that. I think that's tacky and corny.”[/color] Well, that was easy. Quick and painless, more than what he could say with any other girl he could've gotten paired up with. Then again, maybe he should consider himself lucky, Martha didn't seem as crazy as most of the other girls in the school, so maybe they'd have fun.[/indent][/indent]