[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEwNi44ODU3Y2IuUkdGdWFXVnNiR1VnVkhWeWJtVnkuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/mathilde.regular.png[/img] [sup][b][color=8F66C2]Location:[/color][/b] Her Apartment//Work//Morning [b][color=8F66C2]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Mentions of Jaime [@Lovely Complex][/sup][hr][hr][/center] The date shone back at Dani's tired face from her phone, informing her that it was the first of March. With a scowl and a groan, the waking woman tossed the device to the side and rubbed her face. It was technically March now so why was it still so damn cold? The fact that Boston was going to continue to get snow in random bouts irked her since all she wanted to do was go back to sleep in warmer temperatures rather than getting ready while it was still dark out to brace the cold. Dani gave herself a few more minutes of staying within her sufficient enough cocoon of blankets before peeling them away with much reluctance. However, after the obligatory shock of static that had something to do with the science of the blanket's material and the heater that she didn't understand, she officially gave up and got out of bed. As soon as her bare feet hit the ground, she cursed her stupidity for picking the apartment she had like she'd been doing for the last couple of months. Her apartment was a 1B1B unit with sufficient living space located in East Boston. (Although she had been living there for a while, she still wasn't accustomed to calling it Eastie despite referring to the area she was from Southie. Huh.) While some people from other areas of the city might have figured the neighborhood was the reason for her regret, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The price of the rent was reasonable and affordable, it was close to the Blue Line, which allowed her to get into work in a mere fifteen minutes. She had taken all of this into account when signing the lease – after all it was only logical to – and thought there was nothing wrong. Unfortunately, she had a small oversight in that the floor was fucking tile. And now she had to deal with the consequences of jolting and getting frostbite on her feet every morning for the past few months as she wobbled with haste to her bathroom to stand on her fuzzy, purple bath rug. After taking a hot shower to wake and warm herself up, Dani checked the notifications on her phone. There were a few emails in regards to business and her responsibilities that she decided to address once in the office. The rest were social media alerts that she gave herself a few minutes to browse through. Seeing that one of her closest friends, Jaime, had posted a vlog a few hours prior, Dani decided to watch it while getting ready. Apparently this morning's topic was going to be about positivity and self belief. While it might not have been a subject Dani thought she needed advice on for herself or cared much for if she were being honest, it was nice to have Jaime's cheery presence around since the two only saw each other so often with how busy their professional careers were despite being so close. Plus, she knew Jaime would ask her if she watched it soon enough, and she might as well have done it when she could. [b][color=ffbf00]"Rah rah fight the powah!"[/color][/b] Dani snorted with an affectionate roll of her eyes at Jaime's adorableness as she was coming to the end of the video. Sometimes it was crazy to think how the two women were entwined by a green string when the differences between them were so vast. Pausing the video, Dani commented: [b][color=8F66C2]ur a k(lu)t(z) [/color][/b][img]https://i.imgur.com/HPqrGXX.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/HPqrGXX.png[/img] Switching her phone to play music into the headphones she plugged in, she pocketed it and put on some thin gloves, heading out to the transit station. The weather wasn't snowing today and thankfully it wasn't too windy either so the ten minute walk was bearable. Once boarded on the line, Dani took a look outside of the window as it passed the Inner Harbor. She considered visiting her parents in Southie soon before her thoughts trailed off to how strange the names and division of the city was. For a moment, she was reminded of the irksome Great Gatsby with its East Egg, West Egg nonsense. In addition to that annoyance, it had a terrible plot and the dumbest characters, making it an all round shitty book in Dani's opinion. When she was obligated to read it in her junior year, her class had a discussion on whether Gatsby and Daisy were entwined soulmates and that's why he was going so far to be with her despite her potential fraying of their string. Even back then, Dani had shook her head at the ridiculousness, both at the fictional characters and the readers who became so passionate about the romanticism of it all. She honestly couldn't imagine being so taken with someone that'd she go through even half of the trouble others did. That's why soulmates were stupid. As if a desperate attempt to convince her otherwise, Dani's eyes shifted as the transit entered into Downtown. Taking a brief look around, she noticed the fanfare of the Spring Festival sponsored by SPECTRUM a little ways further. It was honestly just a matter of time before they held their huge event in Boston, and Dani knew that. She only figured that she would have the free will to not attend when it did. However, her last meeting with Jaime effectively had her caving in to the other girl and agreeing to attend if only to make her good friend happy and sate her curiosity on the man who was tied to said friend. The next day she had submitted a request to be on the committee that would attend the festival to do data collection. Although the higher ups had been surprised by the choice coming from her, she had pointed out that she would be the most objective to the job since she didn't care to be distracted by finding her soulmate. Since employees who took on additional projects got compensated with extra pay, Dani figured she might as well get something concrete out of having to attend the dumb circus. Now though, looking at the evidence that this was actually going to happen and she would be attending just the next day, the young professional scowled in disdain. As she got off at her stop, she contemplated the pros and cons of terrible weather rolling in tomorrow. Sure, she'd have to brace it but maybe less people would come. As soon as that idea had come to her, she dismissed it. All the irrational romantics coming to the festival would stop at nothing short of death to meet their Fated, their True Love, the [i]One[/i], and whatever other cheesy names they were given. Having arrived at the office, Dani pushed away the distracting thoughts she shouldn't concern herself with. It was time to work; doing something that was productive and would provide actual substance.