Hogan lay there on the ground very much pleased to have his body back onto solid ground, though it was obvious that the people about were not as happy. The fear on their face was unmistakable, though one fellow seemed to have the audacity to not only call Hogan a [i]thing[/i] but also to say he needed to leave. This whelp didn't know how lucky he was that Arthur was there. Hogan let out a soft hissing as Arthur attempted to talk the man down. Hogan welcomed the pat on the back though he did keep his eyes on the stranger. [i]“Here, take a look. Hogan, do you want to be friends with this gentleman?”[/i] Hogan slowly closed his mouth and nodded. It hurt Hogan almost visibly for him to be so nice to this interloper, but alas Hogan was on the job and needed to behave. Even if he really wanted to lunge at this troglodyte just to make him soil himself. [i]“And are you dangerous in any way?”[/i] Hogan took a moment to glare at Arthur before rolling his eyes and shaking his head from side to side. God all this head moving wasn't helping his carsickness. [i]“And are you here for the licensed, professional animal show beginning in half an hour?”[/i] Hogan again nodded, letting his head drop to the floor after a couple of nods. Hogan didn't like what might come of Arthur's little lie, if Hogan actually found him self in a position where he had to perform tricks... He better get a substantial reward. The thought itself was enough to make Hogan grumble a little, but he didn't expect the humans to know what it meant. To them all things seemed to sound the same.