[@Mae] Sorry, sorry, terribly sorry! In addition to college, I’ve been having trouble with all my devices, and lo-behold, my laptop is dead, may it rest in pieces. If I still can, reroll for the darkness in the ice world. As for Aaron’s new icon, it looks pretty much all good. His eyebrows could be a bit less bushy, but that’s my only criticism! Also, if I could ask something, would you be able to include our character’s HP and sanity with their movement for easier tracking? It’d help a bunch if you could. Also, have we decided what we’re going to do with everyone’s Dream Team Gear yet? I remember Xander bought a horse, and said horse could go to either Aaron or Jamie - I’m flavouring it as though the horse had Xander’s gear on it, and honestly I’m not too fussy about where it goes. If anyone wants in on the whole role playing aspect, the horse could just go to whoever is with your character. >Jamie, shivering a little from the cold, finally steps off of the more fragile ice. She looks to Dahlia and Father C. “Do either of you know any way to hold off this cold? It’s colder than the Poles in here!” [Psst. Healing, please.] >Aaron, peering over Fear’s shoulder, shudders. None but a fool goes into a torturer’s domain. Unfortunately, this whole idea was foolish - he just came in to make sure his friends got back safely.