[center][img]https://vgy.me/THkkxk.png[/img][/center] As expected, he only got some nasty words, nasty looks. Disregard for the task at hand and still looking to others to do the work for them, and others playing the nanny, helping them along. He glanced at the biker chick, the loud mouth, the others that snarked against his truth. Hiroki ignored them. Thats what they deserved. Nothing. Not even the time of day. They could talk to their blue in the face, and Hiroki would just leave them behind. Their words were worth what their bravado was. Not until they proved themselves otherwise with action. He expected most of them to fail. Outside of hero work, people were going to be people, but inside the job, inside the organization, Hiroki would not suffer fools, upstarts, weaklings, and liars. He didn't need a group he barely knew. He didn't need to be held up or slowed down. Still, finding dummies in this fog... A single pair of eyes would make it difficult. He was sure to listen though. Listen as they gave away their capabilities to their little team one by one. Just in case they decided to steal his victory, and he would have to set them straight. There was a fog right? Accidents can happen? Whose to say what happened, danger is part of the job. [Color=lightblue]"Let them try..."[/color] He muttered in a snarl. He was concerned about finding the dummies, but- then a sound, a sound roaring over them and he took it for what it was. Finally. Show time. Then the wailing started, horrible and loud, distorted and twisted. Each and every potential point loudly proclaiming its position, and he almost laughed. The cacophony of chaos of an actual attack and disaster with men and women and children all dying in pain, and he almost laughed, putting a hand over his mouth in a [color=lightblue]'PPPfft'[/color]. Thanks for making the test even easier for him. Hiroki was so focused on the task at hand he barely even flinched at the 'disaster'. He also could see it for what it is. The dummies has speaker systems, and he had to wonder if there was any other little gadgets and gizmos they had. Maybe flailing around when he saved them, simulating someone in a panic or shock. It was a combination of the upbringing of his childhood, how he was around pro-heroes in person, watching his parents, cousins, aunts, big sister work; as well as his own practical thinking mind that he was numb to the screams. If anything it made him almost smile. [color=lightblue]"So they have a budget after all."[/color] Checkers, Loud Mouth, and the Bubbly one that first started the argument got people around them, joined by that cat girl, despite them having twisting views. It didn't matter. It would be him against all of them and it would end the same way. Him in the sky, and them in the dirt. Hiroki arms suddenly thrummed with a whirling wooshing hum and the sound of metal torquing. It would grow in volume until it reaches a crescendo, but that was the most subtle of his sounds... The area around him, it started with a hair and flap of cloth, a bit of rocks rolling away from him, then it grow into a parting of the mist, then gusts of air to run through everyone's bones (already bad enough with the morning cold) Then finally the who landing whipped like a rainstorm was approaching. It would feel like the wind was trying to blow everyone over, and in a way it was. Loose clothing would wave like a flag, trying to tear from its mores, hair would whip wildly as if alive. Hiroki was producing a terrible gust as his hands touched the ground, and it threatened to completely knock the lighter among them completely off their feet. An explosion of suction and pressure later, Hiroki would be gone! Like he made a mighty leap, disappearing into the mist and propelling himself into the rubble of the exam area. No, not leap. Fly! He was flying! His quirk allowed him a distinct advantage out in the open, sailing over the rocky, concrete piled rubble of the destroyed city. Without limits, without walls, he could easily transverse the distance, his eyes accustomed to the propelling leaps and speeds his jet engine arms could assail him. Sure, he had to keep a certain distance, lest he lose track of the ground, and at some points he needed to find a place to land, but in another second he would be off again, clearing another hundred yards of terrain. He smirked as he looked over his shoulder, surely none of the others could keep up with his speed. [color=lightblue]"In the dust."[/color] He proudly proclaimed. [Hiroki's Action: Move to Area 4] [hr][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/504242102507405313/504263565885177856/Yomodachi.png[/img][/center] The signal blarred in her ears like a starter pistol, filling Azukina's body simultaneously with energy and apprehension. It would seem the exam had started, though to say she expected that beginning would be an absolute lie. Her legs kicked out at the broken pavement, falling into a full-blown sprint, running faster than she had ever sprinted before. There was no strain on her stamina as she ran, no burn from the buildup of lactic acid. Her mind felt clearer as she ran off to the left, intending on being the first one to find a villain. It made more sense, in her mind, for her quirk to be used first on whatever villain she encountered, which could also allow the others to catch up. Although, they may be held back somewhat by Turbine's takeoff. She only got a quick glance in just as he was taking off, but it made her thankful that she hadn't hesitated in making a run for it. Originally she thought of doing something similar; if used correctly, her quirk could also provide a boost to mobility. However, the side-effects of using the technique, especially since she would be fighting villains later, meant it would hurt her more in the long run. The Bard's boost to her physical ability already gave her the boost she needed anyway. She was on the hunt for a villain. Sure, she wouldn't be able to take one on herself, however she was banking on someone following her to scan the perimeter. Azukina regretted not telling the other examinees how to find her, but if they saw the direction she was headed, there was a good chance they'd be able to find her. The screams of the civilians were upsetting, no doubt, however with her mind as clear as it was, she knew just what kind of situation this was: a test, nothing more, nothing less. It wouldn't be a hero school if it didn't have a few surprises, after all. "The Breath of Winter is here!" Proclaimed the teen excitedly. She had spent far too much time talking back there to the other students. Not enough time proving. Not enough time dedicated to action, and showing them her capabilities - how dedicated she actually was to being a hero. What being a hero [i]really[/i] meant to her. [i]'Time to show everyone why I'll be number one...'[/i] She thought, hoping the others took her up on her dare. She'd let her anger get the best of her back there, from a lack of sleep and a lack of good food. Yomodachi knew she'd have to apologise for that. But now was the time for action, as it was like she said earlier: They could all make friend [i]after[/i] the exam was done. [Azukina's Action: Move to Area 4, Through Area 1] [h3]Kūki, the Gas Converter[/h3][hr]There was little more to be said after Black-n-White's final outburst. Working together or apart... It didn't much matter, as the time to demonstrate their abilities drew nearer. Everyone there knew the bare minimum of their goals — rescue the civilians and defeat the villains. Despite the latter being rather optional, that's precisely what drew Kūki to it. To compare it to others, hers was a rather weird quirk, both questionably useful for the rescuing of others, and even more so ill-suited for the demands of fast-paced combat. That's exactly why [i]this[/i] had to be what she went after for the final part of the entrance exam. [color=#ff43a4][i]Show an ability to adapt to one's own weaknesses, and shatter the odds.[/i][/color] [color=#ff43a4]"My quirk allows me to convert what I inhale into different gasses. It also gives me an immunity to toxic gasses, if that helps any."[/color] Kūki's decision about which team to join had already been made once everyone's stances were made clear. Taking up a runner's pose beside Black-n'-White, the strawberry allowed her eyes to wander, wondering who else would be joining them. It would probably be ideal to have at least four people, though they might have to accept keeping it to three, with Jet Arms having flown off on his own. She wasn't so narrow-minded that she'd ignore a civilian in need, despite the team she'd chosen to work with. [color=#ff43a4]"Name's Kūki. Umeru, Kūki. Just a heads up, but if we run into any civilians in our search, I will definitely be stopping to rescue them. If that happens, I'll try to stay out of your way."[/color] That was the compromise she'd reached for herself. As important as it was for her to prove herself here, she wouldn't let it be at the expense of a hero's first and foremost duty — guaranteeing the safety of civilians. The signal Jigokuraku had chosen on was one most might not even register as a signal. Kūki wasn't left with anytime to react in shock to the cries resonating throughout the area, as she soon found herself flat on her butt in Jet Arm's wake, who'd launched himself into the fray nearly as soon as the cries started. With a dumbfounded look on her face, Kūki shook her head. [color=#ff43a4][i]Not now, Kūki. Heroes move without hesitation, without distraction.[/i][/color] Placing both hands on the ground, Kūki wasted no time in pushing herself up, bursting into a run as soon as her feet touched the ground. In the face of adversity, she would not falter. [Kūki's Action: Move to Area 4, Through Area 1][hr][@Delta44][@follycle]