[i]The intrinsic value of people’s enthusiasm is unshackled by the context of a real or fictional environment. So long as the world accords recognition for applied fulfillment of this enthusiasm it stands that people would not lose touch with their own reality. Reality, being the foundation of an individual's conventional wisdom, is a degree of experience that belongs to that single person. Hence, any such individual reality can be perceived by others as nothing more than mere imagination -- Mamoru Oshii [/i] I have a kernel of a story focusing on my character D’Angello a black helmeted delivery boy who deals in “Unforgivables”--items bought, sold and traded on the DarkNet. This story starts off with a simple delivery--a small, golden Hivatai idol that hides a USB which contains sensitive information that could change the course of the world--that goes south, real quick. What that information is, I still don’t know! That’ll be something that we’ll have to work on that together! A lot of inspiration for this comes from [i]Ghost in the Shell, Batman: Beyond, Altered Carbon, The Matrix, Neuromancer, and Battle Angel: Alita[/i] Things like splicing, AI and augmented reality are all common and things I’d like to include in the story. I’d like to go for a “gritty” feel for this story. A grim, dirty undertone to a bright and shiny future. Drugs, murder, prostitution, human trafficking, prejudice and so on are all things I’d like to include in the story as well, so this will be an 18+ roleplay. No explicit sexual content, please. Mention of sexual interactions are fine. I look forward to building a cyberpunk world with you! [i][b]P.S. Applicants must be willing to write at minimum three paragraphs, and participate in worldbuilding. [/b][/i] [i][b][url=https://open.spotify.com/user/12140733234/playlist/1SmuwaVzOoaMKlc2gxo329?si=drvLvyMNRuGvqX9CfPYGDA]P.P.S I've created a small, ever growing Spotify playlist that acts as inspiration for this roleplay! [/url][/b][/i] P.P.P.S By 18+, I'm referring to touching on dark themes and content. For this story that would include, drugs, murder, and "grey" morality.