[quote=@ShwiggityShwah] https://pin.it/cn32wici6zu63t I kind of like this for a concept. Hes a preacher, for going guns to speak the words of peace, of unity, of god. A mountain of a man who services the church cars of a train, speaking the gospel. Naturally he has had a horrible backstory of a gruesome train robber himself and so he must be armed with a rail hammer, ready for when his past comes back to claim its price in blood. Seeking redemption he lives a life of piety and offers care and protection to his flocks. He might have a son he travels with to add another layer of depth. [/quote] Oooph, I actually started writing up a priest for the Holy Church of Paradise, which is basically a church that trains its members to be bounty hunters, so they can pay their bills as they travel along the train track to find Paradise. Basically collecting orphans from other stations, turning them into a bunch of holy men who murder sinners in order to survive in the west, while moving from station to station, asking for donations, and making it their goal to find something that might not exist. Could be interesting to see different kinds of faith colliding.