The intense, holy fury that both Sister Lisbeth and Crusader Therebus fought with in that combat was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Though much of her focus was set upon ensuring Sister Vitruvia lived to fight another day- and she had, by the time the combat was over, or at least done the absolute best job she could have- Alexa saw enough to be very impressed... or at least very concerned for just how vicious Sister Dominica was being. She'd thrown up over the man even as she kept fighting, pummeling him to a bloody pulp with her fists almost before Therebus could finish the job with his own weapon. Suffice to say, when Sister-Celestian Victorine requested that she take care of their respective injuries, Alexa simply nodded, and did her job. [hr] Thankfully, none of the wounds either Lisbeth or Therebus had sustained were too unresolvable on the field. Therebus in particular was far from lethally wounded, whilst Lisbeth's wounds were ultimately easily fixed within a few minutes or so of work. That was important, because it gave her three days to work on the much more gruesome injuries of some of her compatriots, most notably the facial burn received by the Confessor earlier that fight - and that needed a lot of time to properly mend, strained further by his own orders to counsel Sister Lisbeth over her outburst. Still, she fulfilled her work as best she could. She healed the sick and the wounded, and ingrained into her mind the short memory of their fallen comrade; as nobody could have saved Sister Caroline in the timespan they were given, and she would indeed have gone to the Emperor's side in death, Alexa only flagellated herself for a few minutes each evening in recompense, making a mental note as well to place a new bead on her Chaplet-Ecclesiasticus when she was able to. She'd not known Sister Caroline for very long, but she imagined she might have wished to, under more fortunate circumstances. To then be told the Adepta Sororitas were required to wear formal dresses, after such a fierce and tragic battle, seemed to Alexa to be a bit of an insult, not only to Caroline personally, but to the Order of Our Thrice-Pierced Martyr and its sister Orders as a whole. Indeed, in acknowledgement of her own great height, Alexa was presented with the very longest dress available, and yet the dark blue slip still only reached down to her knees. She felt nudified just staring at herself in the mirror, and even with a scarf wrapped round her shoulders - a fine silky grey item of the sort a high-class woman might wear for fashion - she didn't think it hid how the straps of the dress wouldn't quite connect, and how it was thus only held up by her own frame filling it out a bit too much. Her only comfort would be that she would be allowed to retain her chirurgeon's tool glove, medical in nature as that was, thus technically not a weapon - not to be put on unless absolutely necessary, of course. If they were caught in a trap, as she and she imagined every other Sister on board strongly suspected they might, it'd be the only thing resembling a weapon she had access to. Further still, even if she weren't already exceptionally tall, she would easily stand out the most among her peers for her ill-fitting garments, and the thought concerned her beyond belief, a sort of embarrassment she didn't recognise as such burning her cheeks red until she mastered herself, drawing out her religious dataslate and reading from it, praying to the Emperor for strength until all that remained in her mind was resolve. The sooner this business was concluded adequately, the sooner they could all return to the power armour they were most comfortable with; they just needed to have faith in the God-Emperor until then, as they always did. As [i]she[/i] always did. After all, wasn't faith what shielded the Sisters Repentia from otherwise-certain death? Nonetheless, as she too made her way to the meeting point with her fellow Sisters - paragons of well-dressed culture, at least compared to her - and the chuckling Confessor, Alexa decided that perhaps it'd be best if she didn't draw any more attention to herself than necessary. Thus, she remained utterly silent, looking down at her clasped hands without really realising that her face was betraying her struggle to supplant further embarrassment with loyalty to the Emperor.