[h2]Astrid[/h2] Before orientation Astrid was pulled aside by Kade to talk to him. She explained her situation to him, regarding her shots and medicine, and he gave her a sly smile, as if he perfectly understood. He made sure to tell her that she'd be fine, and that he wouldn't let her forget. Astrid got the feeling that Kade understood better than he was letting on. She thanked him, for keeping it between them, and he nodded to tell her that she always had a friend and ally in him. Orientation was... weird. The compass system didn't make sense, since she didn't seem to fall on it. He did make sure to explain that Underworlds and Death Worlds fell on a different sort of compass, and they would explore that later. After the orientation, Astrid went to fetch her things of medicine to bring to Kade, but saw that he was headed to Elenor's office, and paused a bit. She was curious about what was going on. [h2]Katalina[/h2] Katalina had dinner with Cora, and explained to the other girl about her new roommate, as much as she could. Cora was a bit sad that the girl wasn't from a water world, but did understand. The two mostly talked about a few things before finishing dinner. Soon, Katalina was walking down the hallways, and bumped into Alex and saw that Kade was entering Eleanor's office. "Hey." She kept quiet... as to not arouse any suspicion.