The Tribunal took consideration of what was ahead, and what Zen was stating about the munitions situation. [color=0072bc]"I'm going to be brief. Let's go forward to the armory, get the power on... And with everything operational, we get to that Power Center and assess what has gone on here. Backup mainframe being there as well... That should be priority... Baring all that in mind, with the silent nature of this room, I want caution to be exercised. No gunfire in the Armory,Command Center, or the Power Center... Even if we have to backtrack to the Command Center eventually, keep your guns cool in those rooms. I believe I needn't explain why to those..."[/color] He stated sharply. Taking a few steps forward next to Zen, he addressed him directly. [color=0072bc]"You say there are no life forms outside of our own, but can you detect any type of machinery that might have some form of emergency power to them? Such as a turret? Last thing we need is to take potshots we are unaware of... or even mines to tripwires... Gas leaks?"[/color] Cassius stated the examples. He felt they were good ones. Ones that must be taken into consideration for absolutely minimal risk. [color=0072bc]"If there is absolutely nothing, then Kaze, I will permit you to take the lead. But no unnecessary risk."[/color] Cassius perhaps was being strict, but it wasn't for his well being.