This is just to start with. - Give us a picture of yourself (anime or real life doesn't matter) - What is your full name?: Kassandra Keigwan - With which gender do you identify yourself?: Female - Which gender is or was your original gender (answer this one only if it differs from the gender you identify yourself with)? - How old are you (remember that you are a student)?: 16 - Give us a short description of your personality: Shy, anxious, soft spoken - What is your favorite color?: Orange - What is your favorite animal?: Blue Whale - What kind of clothes do you prefer (some words like 'comfortable', 'fancy' or 'dresses and skirts' are good enough, you don't have to write long sentences if you don't want to)?: Feminine and flowy - Is there anything you would like to add? Your family? Your background? Something you say a lot, like a quote? A student who has graduated from our school that you look up to? Maybe Ariel or Belle?: I look up to my mother. So many called her the Sea Witch, but I know her as a good and proud magical woman. It's not her fault that impulsive princess made a bad deal. She was just my age and even I know better... I'll snag a picture later, but is this more or less what you're looking for?