[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xwg76fl.png[/img] [hr][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][sub][b]Province of Ilagorn [/b]--[b] Adventurer's Guild a.k.a. The Delipitated Duck[/b] [color=gray]12th Hour of the 2nd Day, Summer[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hr][/center] It looked as if only dregs remained now, the rest of the new adventurers either too intimidated by a group made almost entirely of women or too prejudiced to think that such a party could not ascend to glory. Ier-Briar had her own concerns, of course, about how much ‘weight’ she would be burdened by if she was the sole individual capable of standing at the vanguard, but those concerns could become a ‘legend’ just as easily, of the singular warrior who shielded her lesser companions from the grasp of devil and beast. Yes, she certainly [i]will[/i] consider this situation as an opportunity for great growth. The apparent final adventurer that had the testicular fortitude to stand up to her challenge was one who was certainly more keen of eye than strong of arm, judging by his lacking muscles, and Ier-Briar couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment at the quality of the men who had so far presented themselves before her. Another beardless eunuch, it appeared, and though being a loresinger didn’t REQUIRE a great beard and a belly full of mead, it was still disappointing that southerners were so bereft of manliness. A rogue or a bard, neither of which she could trust her flanks with in combat. Sounded like her legend was only going to grow at an even more exponential rate at this point. [color=7ea7d8]“I’ll take you then,”[/color] the blonde warrior said flatly, [color=7ea7d8]“Sign here. And as for your musical persuasions…save your voice so you may sing tales of our valor once we return from our maiden massacre.”[/color] The charter and pencil was thrust into Nimr’s face, and, after giving the green-haired skinny lad a scant few moments to mark down his own signature (literacy wasn’t a real requirement, after all), Ier-Briar snatched it away again and marched right up to the bespectacled woman by the counter, setting it down with finality. [color=7ea7d8]“I’ve found my comrades, unorthodox as they are. Now, what work have you to offer those eager to prove their valor?”[/color]