The rest of the break was kind of peaceful, and with Midoriya having to talk to her, Nensu felt her mind to be at ease - at least, temporarily. The only response that she gave the other teen was a small smile, in return to his own, as if she appreciated his support when it came to situations like this. Once again, the girl felt that sense of security again, and she still couldn't figure out whether if this was her doing...or Deku's. If it were the green-haired boy, then it somehow held some kind of restraint for her. That was when she thought back to the attack at the fair: She heard him scream in pained scream, she felt herself being pushed in keeping Loma underneath her skin. Her strong drive and desire to protect those she cares about, probably had something to do with it. Nensu probably wasn't paying attention but then she felt a gentle brush against her hand. She looked up to see Deku's hand reaching her own, and before she could react, he pulled away. The gesture made her smile in quiet amusement. --------------------- Momo looked at Heims on the other end of the arena, and she wondered what was on his mind. The one thing she could think about, the past few days, was the fact that she sneaked [s](broke)[/s] into his house, and yet, she didn't know why. She did claim to him that she was only worried because of what happened at the USJ, but what else could it be? It was kind of unlike her to enter someone's house uninvited, but the worry only continued to grow at that time.