[@Ithradine][@FalloutJack] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5kNzE5MTkuVTJGdFlXVnMuMg,,/buffied.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=fdc68a][b]"M-my liege, you truly are the greatest King and warrior to ever rule Dremoria! A true legend! I humbled to be in your presence!"[/b][/color] Samael listened intently to every word that left these mortals mouths. Any information is good information after all, strengths, weaknesses, locations, whatever he could gather for the supreme will be considered a victory. [color=9e0b0f][i]Dremoria, it appears that is our current location. We seem to not be in Ygrasdil anymore, just as our supreme had anticipated. What's more, it appears I found an appropriate target, a king of all things. I must report what I know so far.[/i][/color] As the King laid on the gurney, barely clinging to his life, Samael took the time to prepare a missive. He allowed his shadow to extend slightly, out of anyone's view, underneath the gurney. There it would begin to split, duplicating itself on the dark mass that laid below from the lighting. A clone of Samael, formed of a shadowy mass, now lingered beneath as Samael made his way back into the kings shadow. No words were needed to he exchanged as the shadow fully understood its purpose and slithered through the cracks of the building and outside. Leaping from shadow to shadow attempting to remain stealthy, once it had finally reached the forests line, it bolted with immense speed towards Abaddon. [Color=gray]"Samael sends word. He has entangled himself into this kingdoms leader, The King of Dremoria, and is currently gathering intel for our supreme. It appears a struggle happened somewhere to the west of where Samael was stationed. They made mention of a demon who was inevitably slain. These inhabitants have wings, dark as night, Fallen, Nephilim, or something entirely different is unknown."[/color] With that, his shadow began to search the surrounding areas for others, so as to inform them as well. Starting with the East, through the North, then West.