[@Mae][@Williwaw][@Katthaj] Just finalizing a few stuff. I'll be starting things up soon. Just wanted you guys to answer these questions and send them to me via PM. [HIDER][b]Goals:[/b] What are your character's current plans and goals? Once things get settled and reality hits them, will your goals change? Would they simply accept their new life, hope for something more grand, or just find a way to get back their old one? [b]Character and Power Level Development:[/b] What type of character would you want your guys to turn into? How would you hope their personalities to progress? Strength-wise, what type of abilities or equipment would you want to gain? [b]Arc Suggestions:[/b] Anything you want to include in the story? It could be an entire arc, some kind of concept, maybe some NPCs/Monsters you'd wanna encounter or see? Feel free to share and suggest.[/HIDER]