[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hMzNhMDAuUzJGMFlYSnBibUUsLjA,/propaniac.regular.png[/img][/center] @whoever the fuck is at the stadium [hr] Well...things had just gone from manageable chaos, to utter what the fuckery. Whatever was going on, Rina was in the thick of it and she didn't like it. Being this close to the action was unsuitable to her - but it seemed she had some help in the form of some more new arrivals. Beacon? Just in time. Thankfully it seemed this new robot girl and this...whoever it was had a history and he promptly left to deal with her, giving Rina some time to make a next course of action. Her own position had been compromised, and she needed to move anyways. With all of these things going on, providing ranged support wasn't optimal even if she was certain her aim was good enough not to get into a friendly fire mess. leaping off the roof, Rina hit the ground and began moving, swiftly avoiding the remaining mobs and enemies as she kept to the outskirts of the main fighting. While the Beacon and the others were busy keeping the focus of the bad guys, she'd deal with the remaining civilians. There was also something mildly concerning to the archer that made her move. Something or someone was leaving behind a trail of...darkness? Shadow? Some sort of mass of magical energy it seemed. Regular intervals, but she didn't see anything or someone leaving them. Invisibility? Some sort of ability of one of the current fighters? No matter. She grabbed a few of the remaining civilians that were in the area, swiftly moving them out of harms way either by roof top or the front doors. - An immense, alien and ground shaking shriek nearly caused her to lose her footing, nearly dropping a civilian. Damn it, that girl did she really!...She was regretting the mercy option more and more. Ugh, no. She couldn't save anyone else around the stadium. If that thing was allowed to get out, then the entirety of Penrose would suffer for it. The needs of the many and the needs of the few and all that. Urgh, it made her feel sick to even think such a thing, but when face with a threat like this, she had little choice. [color=chocolate]"Something this size just makes a bigger target."[/color] Stringing up her bow again, the size of it began to enlarge, growing in size as she poured more magical energy into it. The creature was big. No obvious weak points aside from the eyes. Made out of all of the monsters that had been attacking the stadium too. Blinding it probably wouldn't work. Made out of all those lesser creatures, she had no doubt it could likely just reform itself anyways, but it didn't hurt to try and she could slow it down in the process. [color=chocolate]"So lets see how tough this creature of yours is then."[/color] A large sword began forming in Rina's hand again. She'd focus on slow, demolishing and piercing ammunition for this creature. Little attacks likely wouldn't have much of an effect aside from annoying it. Knocking the sword, she pulled back the string, took aim, and released. The large sword flew through the air, aiming right for one of the creatures eyes. Immediately after firing, Rina moved from her position. A sniper couldn't stay in one place for long after making a shot.