"Ah, a bit of rain never hurt anyone, my friend." A calm voice came from behind the merchant from within the caravan itself. Moments later, the blue scaled head of a dragonborn poked out from behind the merchant and began looking upwards at the sky ready to pour down rain on them. "I mean, I could do without it right now, but it never hurt anyone other than a little cold." Torinn looked at the sky only for a few moments before turning his sight away from it and straight ahead at the forests ahead of him. So far, nothing had dared to attack them, perhaps thinking the caravan either not worth the hassle, what with it having so many defenders and all. "If anything, we should probably worry about anything dangerous that might assail us, like a pack of wolves or a goblin raiding party." The dragonborn said, now actively scanning the forests ahead of them, trying to scout for any enemies that might be hidden away. "Say, I know you've done this route a lot of times, Carron, but since it's my first time serving as your bodyguard here, what is our final destination, if you wouldn't mind me asking?" [hider=Roll] Perception Roll for scanning the surroundings= [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/12683]5[/url] [/hider]