[color=007236][center][h1][u][b]ULTFIC[/b][/u][/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzNkMjk4ZjktZWFjNy00NzkzLWFiMDctNjM4NWY0MzY4NTUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYwMTg2ODk@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,840,1000_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider] Ultfic sat looking deep into the mug that, much to his displeasure, was empty. He had awoken not long ago with a throbbing headache from where he had been knocked out. There wasn't many other patrons in the bar with him except one of his men who had apparently drawn the short straw and had to watch to make sure he didn't go off the rails again. Ultfic laughed while staring at his mug. [color=007236]“You know you don't have to babysit me like i'm some kid stuck to his mother.”[/color] Ultfic appreciated the fact his men cared and worried about him but it could get annoying at times. [color=f7941d] “Sorry sir. No disrespect I was just ordered by one of the Kingsguard to watch you.”[/color] [color=007236]“suit yourself then.” [/color] was all he was able to retort back at the man sitting in the booth behind him. He continued to think about last night and the events that transpired. He had gone from being on top of the world and being crowned champion only to have his best friend slaughtered right before his eyes because this damn city couldn't keep its own shite together. His grip and the mug drew tighter as his anger began to rise once again. With all it’s damned money and people it couldn’t keep out a damned bear on the night of a festival no less. Relaxing slightly he scolded himself for having thoughts like that. He was the captain and needed to act as such and show proper restraint as it were. But that part of him still distrusted the people of the other country’s. That being said he didn’t have a particular problem with the Lutherans, but he never could trust the stick up people of Exodus and Primfa. Turning around on his stole he looked at the guard for the first time that morning. He was a young man which was giving him credit considering he resembled a boy in his teenage years more. He clearly hadn’t seen the horrors of the world yet. “your Names Richard right son?” [color=f7941d]“Yes sir. I’m one of the new city guards that got selected to come.”[/color] Ultfic smiled at the boys timid reaction to being question by himself. [color=007236]“I appreciate you looking out for me lad.”[/color] He ordered another pint for RicharCelticseemed to question it at first before Ultfic spoke up and told the poor boy it was an order. [color=007236]“Who finally killed the beast last night?” [/color] [color=f7941d]“It was one of our own sir.”[/color] [color=007236]“Really? Which member of the guard?”[/color] [color=f7941d]“He had the markings of Earthica but he wasn't a guard. He must have been a citizen that came to the festival.”[/color] [color=007236]“Well at least it was one of us that claimed the beast life and not someone from the other nations.”[/color] They continued to talk for a short time about life and just everything else happening in the world. Ultfic thought it was good to know his men and what hardships they were going threw. After about an hour he sat up from the booth saying mid stretch [color=007236]“we better head back to the castle and continue our duties. Can't leave the family unguarded especially after last night.”[/color] he finished the last part slightly quieter since it had a bit of anger behind it and the last thing he wanted was a fight in the middle of the tavern. Dropping a few coins on the table for the bar keep he and Richard made their way back to the palace. All the while Ultfic tried his best to bury the sorrow he felt as deep as he could. The ale was helping out quite a bit but it still needed time. His thoughts also drifted to the supposed man who slayed the beast and who he was. He had to now what all happened last night. If there was a warrior in his country that was a expert fighter as he supposed this man had to be then surely he should have already been added to the guard. But what troubled him more was that if this man was such a good fighter why hadn't he known about it. he would have to get to the bottom of all this before the ceramony that was supposed to be held tonight to honor the dead that he had heard about from one of the citizens in the street. As they entered the palace he noticed the slight increase in gaurds watching over thier esteemed guest than their was before. [color=007236][i]"It is a start I suppose"[/i][/color] he said to him self. he ordered Richard to find that mistry man that slayed the bear and tell him the captain of the gaurd wanted a word with him. In the meantime Ultfic decied he would head back to his room and rest for a moment before the rest of the day contined.