[@duskshine749] Fear pulls himself together. 1/3. Fear will take 4 sanity damage. He has no DT left. Right. Sorry for the long long wait, you two. [@Majoras End] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tv5gFqq-AeQjMCrfTQf-LswiUqms5vUyQWyhh9P28fQ]Goose[/url] has: [color=coral][1 Dynamite][/color] [color=darkgray][s][1 Marshal Badge] - starting item, cannot sell[/s][/color] [color=coral]1 Shotgun : worth 300gp[/color] [color=hotpink]1 Scafford Hat: worth 850gp [/color] [color=coral]1 Accentuator Belt - 350gp[/color] [color=hotpink]1 Trun Disintegrator - 800gp [/color] [color=hotpink]1 Hanging Cross worth 200gp[/color] Sale price is half of their value so their total value is 1,250gp. You can choose to keep some and sell some if you wish. What are you selling/keeping? [@CollectorofMyst] Thanks for the heads up with the whiskey thing, now fixed. Gave Aaron 5xp as a thankyou ;D [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tv5gFqq-AeQjMCrfTQf-LswiUqms5vUyQWyhh9P28fQ/edit]Xander[/url] has: 2x Whiskey [color=firebrick]1x Darkstone[/color] Sheriff Badge - starting item, cannot sell [color=firebrick]Tomb Chest - 600gp[/color] [color=hotpink]Tribal Horse -600gp[/color] Peacekeeper Pistol - 250gp [color=lightgreen]Rusty Badge - 650 gp[/color] Bandolier Strap - 375gp TRADE: 300GP & Crisp Rose from Luciel to Jamie for Tribal Horse Sale price is half of their value so their total value is 1,238gp. You can choose to keep some and sell some if you wish. What are you selling/keeping?