[b]Name:[/b] Adrianna St. Claire [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Profession/vocation:[/b] Oil Tycoon / Investor [b]Affiliation:[/b] St. Claire Oil & Mining Company [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Persuasion/diplomacy: She is skilled at bargaining and negotiating, a result of many business dealings.[/*] [*]Wealth: She has a vast sum of wealth at her disposal.[/*] [/list] [b]Traits:[/b] [list] [*]confident[/*] [*]selfish[/*] [*]obsessive[/*] [*]haughty[/*] [*]stubborn[/*] [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Adrianna is a business woman, through and through. She is adept at putting up a show, acting polite and personable when it is to her advantage. But she is more naturally shrewd and prudent, refusing to compromise or settle in negotiations. While she may have the appearance of civility and charm, Adrianna is more often than not galled by most people and would rather be left to her own devices. [b]Biography:[/b] Since the rise of steam and steel, the demand for previously worthless materials such as oil and coal skyrocketed. Like many others, Daniel St. Clair found his fortune through obtaining and selling such raw materials. St. Claire Oil & Mining Company, formerly St. Claire Oil Company, was originally a whaling company. The company managed a small group of boats, and the majority of profits came from whale oil. Over time stiff competition, decreases in the whale population, and an over-saturated market drove out all but the biggest and richest companies. St. Claire Oil Co. barely hung on, and was greatly overshadowed by larger companies. Daniel St Claire. became apathetic and felt content resting on his modest but respectable fortune. An older Daniel St. Claire, with several children and a few divorces, decided to spend his last years and what was left of his fortune in bars and brothels. At some point he convinced himself he was in love with a prostitute who called herself Cinnamon, and whose birth name is Adrianna Plainview. One hasty wedding later Adrianna found herself a small fortune. And with her new husband's health failing, she effectively had total control of his company. Within the span of a few short years, Adrianna shifted the company away from the dwindling whale oil market and towards oil drilling on land and mining ores and other raw materials. St. Claire Oil & Mining reached a new level of success. And with her newly self-made wealth, Adrianna starting investing huge sums into new energy sources. While not as large as other competitors, Adrianna is determined to make St Claire Oil & Mining Company an unstoppable giant. [hider=Appearance (Subject to Change)][img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/052/7/d/Lady_in_shawl_by_Phobs.jpg][/hider]