[center][img]https://vgy.me/THkkxk.png[/img][/center] [@ERode] [Zone 4] Unfortunately there was one thing Hiroki didn't plan for, nor could it be prepared for. [i]Luck[/i] Hearing the wails of the damned to the left, to the right, behind him, and far off in the distance, he sadly didn't have much to go on in this little scrap of woodland. He cursed under his breath. He surveyed his surroundings and got a mix of aggravation and alarm. The torn up dummies was meant to be a scare tactic, but again, he wasn't effected by some toys broken on the ground. He could quite get what the stones were, they seemed to be something that just didn't fit. The fact that he was alone, in a place where there was only desolation and some creepy music did not make him feel safe. And then he heard it, mixing with the music. A single dummy, not dead, hurt but not dead. A point, right there, a single lone point waiting for rescue. Hiroki however didn't like it. This whole thing felt like some kind of trap. Maybe there was a villain here and while he relished in the fact that he could do battle and get an early lead, he was not happy with the fact that the villain would know the area, pick their environment, set up a single dummy for someone to rescue, and use that creepy music to help them better sneak up in this fog. He was disadvantaged and he knew it. Hiroki considered leaving, but he'd just waste time moving on. He had to atleast get his score going. One point was one point. Maybe he could swing left, grab another dummy or two on the way back to the bus. It was one thing getting a victim, they still had to get back to the bus with it, he hoped the dummies weren't too heavy. Still best way to get that dummy. He prepared a jump, a minor one, one only enough to get him to the tree. Landing low, he listened, looked at where he disturbed the myst with his wind. Once getting the dummy, he would be prepared to move, atleast trying to get clear of the tree line. It wasn't as bad as indoors but trees and forests could be tricky to manuever, especially when he couldn't see the branches in the mist. Cautiously, he grabbed the dummy's hand and fire man carried it over his shoulder and then prepared to exit. Best to save a 'civilian' before a fight anyway. [Hiroki Action: Retrieve Dummy, Prepare to move to Area 1]