Name: Cinder (Subject Cinder) Age: 19 Affiliation: Resistance/Neutral Classification: Project [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Abilities: Flame Breath Pyrokinesis Flame Immunity Bio: Cinder was taken by the System at an early age, as most projects were. His induction into the program went smoothly and the augmentations applied to him were abnormally successful. In addition to his normal lungs, a small air sac that generated volatile gas was implanted in his chest, along with a small sparking mechanism in his throat that runs off the natural electricity in his body. This allows him to breathe fire, though did not protect him from it. Over the years afterward, Cinder's biology was altered to the point that he would grew skin that was extremely resistant to heat. Tested with flamethrowers, he was left unharmed. During one of these tests, while Cinder was being showcased at age ten, that flame seemed to flow around him rather than over him. From that point forward, Cinder was not only immune to flames, but able to control them to some extent. This was the focus of his training for several years, until his escape. This escape involved a delay in Cinder's reception of Serum. Cinder reacted violently, killing several people with flames before melting a hole in an exterior wall to flee. Left with only shreds of his sanity, he wanders with no particular destination in mind other than 'away.' He suffers acute pyromania, only appearing calm in the presence of an open flame. Once away from a fire, Cinder is almost completely unable to act until there is extreme danger to his person. Only then does he resort to breathing fire, which usually brings him back around.