[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Gardevoiran][@ReusableSword][@Old Amsterdam][@Duthguy][@Kazemitsu][@King Cosmos][@floodtalon] As Jason slowly came back to reality, a flood of alerts filled his head; [quote=Dungeon:Jason] [color=purple]YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A QUEST. DUNGEON QUEST: OTHERWORLDLY CAVERN[LIST] [*]REMOVE ALTERNATIVE BOSS CANDIDATES[LIST] [*]There are currently (1) other Boss Candidates in the Dungeon. [*]There are currently (5) Potential Boss Candidates in the Dungeon. [*]A Candidate or Potential Candidate is Removed when it is incapable of interfacing with the Dungeon Core.[/list][/list] YOU HAVE ESTABLISHED A LINK WITH THE DUNGEON. YOU GAIN 1 SKILL POINT IN THE UNIQUE SKILL: DUNGEON AWARENESS. CURRENT SKILL PROGRESS: 0.1 WARNING! MANA RESOURCES ARE BEING DEPLETED BY AN EXTERNAL ACTION! WARNING! THE DUNGEON STRUCTURE IS BEING DAMAGED BY AN EXTERNAL ACTION![/color] [/quote] As Jason received his Quest, the next step on his journey to conquer this cave and become its master, he also received two warnings. As he would no doubt look around to ascertain the well being of his little group, he would immediately notice Asteria and Digbie. What the hell were they doing!? Asteria shouldn't be messing with the Dungeon Core! He was the boss here, it was HIS Dungeon Core! And Digbie, what made him think he could just dig as he pleased here!? This was Jason's cave, HE was the one who had worked so hard on it! Only him! And now this was HIS dungeon, only HIS, he couldn't let ANY harm come to it! [color=darkred]"ASTERIA! DIGBIE! THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING TO [b][u]MY[/u][/b] DUNGEO-- AaAAARggrghghhh!!!"[/color] Just as Jason began to give in to his strangely obsessive rage, he was overwhelmed by another raging headache followed by a fit of nausea; his body quivering in pain as he vomited on the floor. Something-- Something wasn't right..... These thoughts weren't normal. Did the core change him? Was it trying to [b]C O N T R O L[/b] him??? Focusing his power, Jason regained his composure as best he could before reaching out to his allies with [b][Telepathy II][/b], [color=darkred][i]'My apologies everyone-- I think..... I think linking to the Dungeon created a empathic; bordering on impulsive connection... Those thoughts just now were not my own. However, shits about to hit the fan; undead are beginning to spawn, and several of our alliance are unaccounted for.... Danny, Asteria, and Ardur; stay here and defend the cave until I return. Ed and Digbie, you're with me-- we're gonna get the others, and hopefully get what's left of the goblins to surrender. Also... don't let [u]ANYTHING[/u], touch the core....'[/i][/color] However, before leaving the cave, Jason reached out two pseudopods, one touching the core, the other touching Asteria, [color=darkred]"Uh, DUNGEON! Register Subordinate!"[/color] he exclaimed. Regardless of the result, Jason dropped the flame-touched crystals, and harvested three of his normal herbs. Once again using [b][Lesser Shapeshift I][/b] to curl into a ball, the warlord raced toward the corpse of Rattleskull at Mach ten. As he approached from the distance, he could make out the shapes of goblins, as well as a floating head... Wait, was Mourningstar wearing the head as a fucking HELMET??? Braking about ten feet away from the wisp, Jason didn't hesitate to bark orders, [color=darkred]"Mourningstar! Stand down!"[/color] he COMMANDED through [b][War Cry I][/b] before turning to Crispy, [color=darkred]"Crispy! I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to make you an offer..."[/color] he said assertively, ready to dodge any attack the goblins might make. [color=darkred]"My name is Jason, the new boss of this Dungeon, and I'd like you and the rest of the surviving goblins to join us."[/color] he said with a pause, [color=darkred]"I know you probably don't trust me, but there is a greater threat looming... Have you noticed the lumps of dirt popping up around the cave? Those. Are undead... In order to save both your people, and mine, we must work together. THINK OF IT CRISPY! Together, we can do [b]so. much. more.[/b] In fact, you and I, are very similar... You use magic correct? I do too. So [i][b][u]join us[/u][/b][/i], there's [i]so much I can teach you[/i]."[/color]