[quote=@Simple Unicycle] In other news, what's your guys' usual traditions around Halloween that don't involve dressing up and going to costume parties or whatever? Any movies you watch or games you play on this time to get into the spoopy mood? [/quote] Movies: -Trick R Treat -Halloween -Alien -Young Frankenstein [quote=@AndyC] Cthulhu is basically the Metallica of the horror genre: everybody knows him and rips off his stuff, but you feel like a basic bitch if you say he's your favorite.[/quote] I love Lovecraftian themes, but am not a fan of Lovecraft himself. [quote=@AndyC]I fucking hate it when people refer to the monsters from the [i]Alien[/i] movies as "xenomorphs." [/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4sBuzKD.gif[/img] [quote=@AndyC]I refuse to acknowledge any iteration of Scooby-Doo where the monsters are real. The thing that makes that series interesting to me is it's the only children's show that teaches kids that skepticism and critical thinking are good things, that people can be easily led to believing false narratives, and that so many of our fears and fables are spread by greedy people who want to capitalize on everyone being confused and scared. In fact, one of my all-time pie-in-the-sky projects would be to lean hard into that and go full subversive with it, making Scooby-Doo a cross between [i]The Venture Bros.[/i] and Penn and Teller's [i]Bullshit![/i] [/quote] *throws out Scooby-Doo concept for the Independent Game*