[quote=@AndyC] While we're on the subject: I fucking hate it when people refer to the monsters from the [i]Alien[/i] movies as "xenomorphs." At no point in any of the movies are they called that; one guy in [i]Aliens[/i] says the word as a catch-all for any sort of unidentified extraterrestrial, and everyone just assumed that's their name. If you absolutely have to call them something other than Alien (because God forbid our horror franchise have some element of the unknown), both the old Dark Horse comics and the Alien Legacy DVDs have way better species names for them. The Legacy DVDs gave them the name [i]Internecivus Raptus[/i] (meaning "murderous thief"), and the Dark Horse comics called them [i]Lingua Foeda Acheronus[/i] ("the Foul Tongue of Acheron"), both of which are substantially cooler than "xenomorph," which just means "different shape.” [/quote] Do you call your dog a [i]Canis lupus familiaris[/i] too, ya [i]nerd?![/i]