[quote=@rebornfan320] I have also posted an RP thread in the “Free” and “Casual” sections. [/quote] Just looking at history, nothing seems to show up for me. So that's what I'm going off of. But from the way you worded that, I assume that means you've created RP's before (as the GM) that no one joined/didn't spark enough interest to start, correct? But that's not quite what I meant. Sometimes, people want proof that you can write before they'll be inclined to RP with you. So first start by joining others group RP's in the Free section. It's often far quicker and the easiest way to start roleplaying. So I'll stick with that as my recommendation in terms of just wanting to roleplay. Something that nobody mentioned here, or even other threads that I can see, that will improve your chances and not require flash. (But substance instead.) Provide writing examples of how you write, then maybe create your own specific plot lines and hooks for others to grab onto. I know I find specified plot lines often more interesting than just vague genres or characters. I think anyone that asks for writing quality in any form should reflect it themselves. And writing samples might be beneficial for that. But I'll shoot you a private message, a little later tonight then. (And I'll see a few alternatives options may look good to you.) But yeah, in the end, it's up to you whether or not you write. NaNo is starting tomorrow, the create a novel/50,000 words in a month challenge thing. So if RPing is bumming you out, you won't be the first and last person that feels that way, that is something else that may inspire motivation.