[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=D61A66]Finley Alestair[/color][/h1] [img]https://uproxx.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/veronica-mars-kristen-bell-gif.gif[/img] [i]Location: The Lake[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Finley mock waved goodbye as Miranda walked away. [color=D61A66]"You mean our illustrious police department that couldn't find a hidden room where Riley was being held? I won't hold my breath. But, hell, why don't I call them for you? They don't like me anyway, may as well give them the boot to finally get their sorry asses going. While you pout about some random person not liking you, I'll be over here trying to solve a kidnapping and a murder. See ya!"[/color] Finley walked away with Declan and let Olivia handle Miranda. She didn't care if Olivia didn't blab, she invited Declan and Olivia alone. No one else. Finley didn't even have to include Olivia into it, but the girl was proving to me cool, so Finley did her a solid. And what did she get in return? A slap in the face. [color=D61A66]"It's more to it than that Dec. I don't much care if Miranda is here or not, I don't have to like it though. It's Olivia feeling she can invite anyone into what we are doing. I only invited you and her because I trust you both and feel you have my back. I don't with Miranda. I'm not sorry to see her go, but if Olivia convinces her to stay, it's no skin off my bones."[/color]