[hider=SenDep] [img]https://i.imgur.com/52ZvAf3.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ua2ifZf.png[/img][/hider] [color=#4AC948]"Do I look like his caretaker?"[/color] Lawrence snapped at the Iranian. Any other scathing remarks were cut off by Olivia, who stomped on Lawrence's foot. He shut his mouth and took a seat at the table [color=#8E8E38]"What Lawrence [i]means[/i] to say is that [i]he doesn't know where he is.[/i]"[/color] Olivia raised her voice at the end as she shot her partner a glare. [color=#8E8E38]"Isn't that right?"[/color] All she got in return was a grunt. He had pulled out a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51GDwF-oOzL._SX425_.jpg]megaminx[/url] and started mixing up the colours. Satisfied, and slightly annoyed, she turned back to Samad, her eyes softening. [color=#8E8E38]"Not yet. I was going to try and catch him in the cafeteria, but we all got called here."[/color] She gave Samad a half shrug and a small smile. [color=#8E8E38]"He should be here soon. Probably trying to drag it out as long as he can before coming here."[/color] With that said, she walked over to the seat beside Lawrence and sat down. [color=#8E8E38]"What is your problem?"[/color] She hissed at her partner. Lawrence set his puzzle down and turned to Olivia. [color=#4AC948]"Ante Mortem,"[/color] he said simply. Olivia leaned back in her chair. [color=#8E8E38]"Ah."[/color] She leaned back in her chair. [color=#8E8E38]"I had hoped that wasn't the case."[/color] Lawrence chuckled. [color=#4AC948]"I admire your optimism."[/color] [color=#8E8E38]"Well I despise your pessimism."[/color] Olivia shot back with a smile. [color=#4AC948]"It's called realism."[/color] [color=#8E8E38]"That's just what pessimists call their pessimism."[/color] [color=#4AC948]"No,"[/color] Lawrence said, a smile growing on his face. [color=#4AC948]"A pessimist calls a glass half empty, while a realist-"[/color] [color=#8E8E38]"Knows that you drank half the damn glass already and so you shouldn't be complaining about a thing."[/color] Olivia chuckled a little before her face fell. [i][color=#8E8E38]How bad?[/color][/i] Lawrence picked up his megaminx. [i][color=#4AC948]Bad enough that we might have to pack for longer than the timeframe on this mission."[/color][/i] [color=#8E8E38]"Ah,"[/color] Olivia said as she leaned back in her chair, before shifting her position again. These chairs were far too stiff to be comfortable. She hoped that it didn't take too long for the briefing to start.