Veronica nodded to Jen, before smirking at Phermosa as the two began a proper fist fight. Phermosa may be a powerful Pokemon but it was clear, that dispite being a human, Veronica father had thought her well as she was able to block some of Pheromosa speedy attacks and deal damage to the Pokemon. It took time but Eventally both Veronica and Phermosa were both exhausted and breathing heavely before Veronica smirked and said "I think you and I would make a great team Phermosa, please won't you join me and help me defeat my father and dismantle his operations all over the world and bring about a better world?". Veronica slowly stood and held out her hand to Pheromosa, she took some time but Eventally she stood up as well and nodded as she took Veronica hand and tapped the beast ball on Veronica waist. The ball took her in and shook three times before clicking. Veronica smiled as she touched the ball before collapsing to her knees exhausted and injured. She looked at Sashia and Jen as she said "Inform Lusimine, I have captured Pheromosa and I think the perfect nickname for her is Lust". Veronica would remain on her knees for a few seconds to regain her breath as the Cavern would return to normal, So Sashia quickly got Veronica and Jen out and rang Liam telling him that they had capture Phermosa and would be meeting them once Veronica had recovered.