the phone Lusamine gave Liam that matched the others rang, and Liam received the message from Veronica. "That's great! We also succeeded and we are at the trainer's school, we'll see you soon." Liam hung up the phone as his Pokédex pingged with the new data. "[i]Buzzwole, the Swollen Pokémon. A Bug and Fighting-type. This Ultra Beast appeared from another world. It shows off its body, but whether that display is a boast or a threat remains unclear. Buzzwole goes around showing off its abnormally swollen muscles Phermosa, the Lissome Pokémon. A Bug and Fighting-Type. A life-form that lives in another world, its body is thin and supple, but it also possesses great power. it has been spotted running across the land at terrific speeds.[/i]" "So, what should we do until the others arrive?" Liam inquired.