[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180727/6b521b7548948c2f21df9850d47681be.png[/img][/center] The hose was refreshing for Gaz, he hated cleaning his armour so to have it done for him brought a smile to his face. With the clean done he strolled off joyfully to his quarters. He took the time to get out of his heavy armour and got into something a little more comfortable. A part of flip flops gave sight to his chunky green toes, while his tree trunk sized legs emerged from a pair of bermuda style shorts. His scarred torso was covered by a plain white tank top that if fully laid out could act as a bedsheet for a human. He took a quick glance in the mirror, [color=fff200][i]I am da best lookin' on dis ship.[/i][/color] He let out a boistrous laugh before stopping, his eyes catching sight of something in his head. He rubbed at his forehead with his hand feeling several, hard and jagged points. He leant in closer to the mirror before laughing once more, [color=fff200]"More trophies!"[/color] With his thick fingers he yanked the teeth from his skull and began placing them into his trophy cabinet. After some more time had passed Gaz made his way to lounge to find Silas and Gerad playing a game of cards. Unfortunately for Gaz the size of his hands made it exceedingly difficult to hold the cards. In all he wasn't that upset by not being able to take part, in reality he didn't have a clue to play anyway. He simply liked to watch as the others played, celebrating a win or throwing a tantrum at losing a hand. Besides, watching meant he could walk and get food whenever he wanted. Speaking of food, Gaz had created himself a three foot long sandwich filled with twelve different types of meat from five different planets. Layers of human cheese topped the meat with a native Fungai sauce to top it off. He marvelled at it as he heard Gerad begin to talk to Silas. His accent made it hard to understand what he was saying at times but he could make out enough to get the gist. [color=fff200]"Wait...is going afta' bugs an option?!"[/color] Sam moved his glance from his sandwich for a moment. [color=fff200]"I like killin' bugs!"[/color] His attention soon returned to his sandwich as it vanished into the chasm that was his mouth.