[hider=Sofia Terrell][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/2S3rjKSzI6SD6/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [color=Lightpink][b]Color Code: [/b] Lightpink[/color] [h2][center][color=lightpink]Sofia Tessaro (Terrell)[/color] [/center][/h2] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Italy [center][b]Bio:[/b][/center] [center] Sofia lived a privileged if somewhat sheltered life. Growing up in a household with three brothers she was naturally closer to her mother. A woman who made it her mission in life to groom Sofia for marriage. A member of the Tessaro family Sofia was a great catch for any young man. Her childhood was mostly uneventful and filled with repetition, dressing up, visiting salons and drinking tea. It was safe, sometimes even boring, but looking back perhaps the happiest time in her life. When Sofia was of an age to be married a series of tragedies happened. First Sofia discovered her unnatural ability, shocking her devoutly Catholic family. They kept it a secret, hiding Sofia away until she gained some semblence of control over her unholy gifts. Her mother refused to give up on her years of hard work and was determined to find Sofia a husband, but before she could succeed Sofia comitted the ultimate shame. Desperate for someone to accept her for who she was Sofia fell in love quickly, or she thought she did. She had a child out of wedlock which caused her family to disown her. She came to terms with the fact her life in her homeland was over and did the only thing she could to survive. Sofia moved to England, where she quickly became English, taking on the name of Sofia Terrell. She settled into a modest life working as a caregiver to sick children. The Queen's Hand agency recruited her after they discovered the children in her care were doing remarkebly well, a bit too well actually. [/center] [b]Ability:[/b] [i]Witch touching[/i] Sofia has the ability to either heal and cure someone or induce sickness and degeneration by making prolonged physical contact. The effect of her touch depends on her intention. The effectiveness is tied to the length of time she touches someone. It can range from healing minor cuts and bruises, curing a mild cold to fixing broken bones and curing life threatening diseases. Of course it also works the other way around. There is however a side to her ability that will always be beyond her control. If she uses too much of her ability it will start to spread. It becomes dangerous at this point. If she is healing someone and it spreads it will begin to draw the life from everything else around her. When she's making someone sick or injuring them it will also spread and Sofia isn't immune to her own ability. [b]Department:[/b] Support [/hider]