Tyrin noticed the felyne cook making his way towards where he and Tove were sitting and eating and welcomed him."Ah our chef joins us in his good graces," Tyrin said in welcome to the felyne, Simon, as he joined them."The soup's good as usual but I can't wait to see what you cook up once we're off this boat. I'm a bit tired of fish." "Fish always good," Tove argued back while Tyrin rolled his eyes at his companion. "If we had it your way you'd eat fish at every meal,"Tyrin countered with Tove giving a smile and eating more of his own soup. "I promise to carve some good chunks of meat from hunts to bring back for you to do what you will," Tyrin stated with a smile at Simon ",Sure you can make something amazing out of whatever we bring back. Better then just the normal slow cooking over a fire." While Tyrin was conversing with the chef, Tove looked around and had noticed one of the other hunters from earlier had also seem to come down to the gally, it was hard to say how the felyne felt for the other hunters at the moment. He had little time to know them while on the ship surprisingly enough. Currently she seemed to be conversing with another member of the team, one of the farmers, if Tove identified the clothes right. For the time he returned to the conversation going on with Tyrin and Simon.