[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qVsCSwh.png[/img] [sub]Hero's District, Priestella[/sub][/center] [b][color=00ddaa]”You’re the last one.”[/color][/b] She pulled out a chair and sat in it, folding one leg over the other. [b][color=00ddaa]”I'm Captain Crunch. I oversee a fair portion of the king's naval fleet and am currently stationed here to make sure the waters remain bandit free.”[/color][/b] She folded her arms. [b][color=00ddaa]”So, tell me what’s up..”[/color][/b] Captain Crunch’s beauty certainly didn’t fit her name, and even her position as a...captain? commander? of the Navy seemed at odds with her hunter-ranger outfit. More than anything, she stood in stark contrast with the faceless Mono, looking more like someone who popped out of a basic eroge than something that, well, existed in ‘reality’. Then again, Aer had also looked weird. Maybe it was simply the way the world was built? Seated opposite to her, Yuuki brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes as he leaned back against the chair. The walk had been rather tiring, especially with a pack as large as his, and though he was too absorbed in the upcoming interrogation to gripe about it before, the blue-eyed youth was certainly happy to be able to rest now. Almost made him wish he still had his mug with him. Where did that guy go anyways? Yuuki grimaced slightly at the memory, and ended up drinking straight from the thermos instead, almost-scalding tea hitting his tongue and passing down his throat. Rejuvenating as always. [b]“So, uh…”[/b] Yuuki said, after realizing Captain Crunch wasn’t saying much more, [b]“Are you going to be...asking me questions, I guess? Or, like, what?”[/b] Crunch closed her eyes with a groan. [b][color=00ddaa]”I'm asking for an account of what happened to you.”[/color][/b] Her eyes opened again. [b][color=00ddaa]”You seem to be a bit better equipped than the others though, what were you doing before you were teleported?”[/color][/b] Ah, that was nice and straightforward. [b]“Uh, basically, I was preparing to head out on a trip, and it was winter where I was, so I had all my gear with me, when BAM, I was in a dark place with some shadow-monster-dude? That ring any bells for you?”[/b] He paused, then continued with his story. [b]“Anyways, he talked about love and witches and then other stuff and told me to take his hand and was probably going to eat my head off if I didn’t so when I did WHAM I’m here.”[/b] [b]“Oh yeah, would you happen to have a mug or something I could borrow, er...Captain Crunch?”[/b] The corners of Crunch's lips twitched. [b][color=00ddaa]”That was a very detailed description, thank you.”[/color][/b] She stood up. [b][color=00ddaa]”I think I saw Mono holding a strange cup. It was made out of a smooth, shiny stone. Maybe he'll let me borrow it.”[/color][/b] Crunch started to approach Yuuki's side of the table when she suddenly stopped and clamped a hand over her nose. [b][color=00ddaa]”Mmmmph!”[/color][/b] Yuuki’s light expression faltered, ever so slightly, as the green haired woman suddenly looked nauseated. [b]“Are you ok? What’s wrong?”[/b] She quickly took a step backwards before taking her hand off of her face. [b][color=00ddaa]”Your smell...”[/color][/b] She coughed. [b][color=00ddaa]”This land you came from...”[/color][/b] She turned to Yuuki, and her brows were crossed. [b][color=00ddaa]”Were there cultists where you lived as well?”[/color][/b] The concern disappeared, twisting into something else. [b]“Yeah,”[/b] he spoke, [b]“Why do you ask?”[/b] Crunch folded her arms again, but this time she was standing. When she had perfect posture, it was evident that she was actually very tall for a woman. She could only be a few inches shorter than mono, but crunch might be able to challenge him at arm wrestling. [b][color=00ddaa]”Because you smell like them.”[/color][/b] Her brow furrowed further. [b][color=00ddaa]”More than any of the others I've interrogated.”[/color][/b] She slammed her hand down on the table. [b][color=00ddaa]”I can only think of two explanations for your smell to be this strong. Either you've been around them for a long time, or you're one of them.”[/color][/b] She narrowed her eyes. [b][color=00ddaa]”Which is it?”[/color][/b] Blue eyes matched green, and the smile that eventually emerged was half-hesitant. [b]“Why do you think I wanted to go on a trip?”[/b] Yuuki’s smile became sharper, harsher, his voice tightening, his fingers white against the table. [b]“Fucking sucks that what they worshipped was the real thing, yeah?”[/b] [b][color=00ddaa]”A trip huh?”[/color][/b] Crunch stood up again and folded her arms. [b][color=00ddaa]”Is that what this was? Transporting yourself and all these other foreigners here was just taking a trip to you?”[/color][/b] Yuuki blinked, and with that, the mood was dispelled. [b]“Wait what? No, like, the trip and this whole thing was totally separate. I was actually gonna take the Shinkansen down to Tokyo and then figure things out from there, not like, you know...get dropped by this black dude into Prastalla?”[/b] Crunch's gaze didn't waver. [b][color=00ddaa]”Your origins are extremely problematic.”[/color][/b] Crunch sighed. [b][color=00ddaa]”We will be able to release you as soon as the others, unfortunately. I will discuss your situation with Mono and see what he wants to do. I'll probably have more questions for you later.”[/color][/b] She walked towards the door. [b][color=00ddaa]”It is probably only a small comfort, but I will return with a mug.”[/color][/b] When she got to the door, she stopped and turned to face Yuuki one last time. [b][color=00ddaa]”But for now I have one last question; You weren't their leader, were you?”[/color][/b] There was no smile now, only a gaze of fathomless depth. [b]“My father was.”[/b]