[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B2IODuk.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Despite sternly declining Shun's idea at first, Shiki easily gave up trying to change the boy's mind after realizing it was pointless. He reluctantly followed the bold green haired boy and began to stagger behind when he couldn't keep up with his pace. Either Shun had a ton of energy or Shiki needed to exercise more. While they were navigating through the confusing alleyways, the only thought that came across Shiki's mind was the juice from earlier. The light jog further increased his thirst, which at least distracted him from the mysteries around every corner they took. [color=lightblue][i]I should've asked for a drink...But that glasses girl was too intimidating...[/i][/color] When they arrived to the commercial district, the eerie vibe of the abandoned buildings sent a shiver down Shiki's spine. What a horrific sight. Something was definitely going to murder them, he can feel it. The dummy they spotted nearby with the mailbox on top of it, definitely raised some questions. However, it didn't change the fact of... [center][b]OBJECTIVE SPOTTED![/b][/center] [color=lightblue]"I'll take care of this one..."[/color] He informed Shun, allowing him to search the surrounding area for additional dummies. Shiki recalled the instructor's words of how they won't be marked on the way they rescue the dummies or how they treat them. With that in mind, Shiki's USB tail extended to its maximum length of five meters towards the poor dummy. His intention was to coil part of his tail around the dummy's neck, like a noose and attempt to forcefully drag its body out from underneath the mailbox. Not an ideal way to save a civilian, but he took advantage of this still being just an exam. [hr] [@Scribe of Thoth] [center] [b][u]Currently in Zone 6[/u][/b] Action: Retrieving dummy. [/center]